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District Court in Tel Aviv dismisses claim by Malibu against the Har-Gil family

Adv. Zohar Lande and Adv. Gal Livshits represented the Har- Gil family, the defendants in a claim for NIS 13 million filed by the real estate company, Malibu. The dispute related to payments allegedly owed by the Har-Gil family with regard to a plot of land owned by the Har-Gil family, developed by Malibu. The District Court in Tel Aviv dismissed the claim with prejudice.


Categories: Litigation

The Herzikovitch inheritance dispute- interview with Micky

Micky Barnea was interviewed for an article in Globes, regarding the Herzikovitch family dispute. Micky is an expert in the area of family wealth and in the article, Micky described how families can, as far as possible, avoid such conflicts.

Categories: Private Clients

Barnea & Co. advises Johnson & Johnson regarding its participation in a $28m investment round carried out by Israel's V-Wave

V-Wave, a privately held company with offices in Israel and the U.S., completed a Series B financing round in the sum of $28m.

The round was led by Johnson & Johnson Innovation - JJDC Inc. (represented by Barnea). Other participants were TriVentures, Pura Vida and BioStar Ventures. Eli and Nir Barkat's BRM fund, Pontifax and Edwards Lifesciences, which were already shareholders in V-Wave, also participated.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech

Adv. Isaac Hanania to represent Barnea as a judge in an investors panel

On January 10, Petah Tikva Entrepreneurial Community, in association with StarTAU, the Entrepreneurship Center at Tel Aviv University, will host a panel of investment experts. Participants will present their business venture ideas to the panel. 


Categories: High Tech

Lexology Navigator - Arbitral proceedings in Israel

As a litigation expert, Zohar Lande was chosen to be the author of the Israeli chapter of "Lexology Navigator - Arbitral proceedings in Israel ".

In this exclusive chapter, Zohar provides a market and regulatory overview in respect of Israel.


Categories: Litigation

Finally, crowdfunding comes to Israel

Ariella Dreyfuss Adv. published an article in the leading legal English website "The Lawyer" discussing the new law in Israel relating to alternative means of raising funds. The goal of the law is to assist small Israeli companies in their efforts to raise funds through the social phenomena of crowdfunding, and the establishment of high-tech funds to be traded on a new index on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

Categories: Banking & Finance | Capital Markets | Corporate | Financing | High Tech

Barnea & Co. appoints new partners

Effective as of January 1, 2016, Barnea appointed 3 new partners: Ilan Blumenfeld who specializes in Antitrust laws, the Kibbutz sector and advising on corporate matters; Liat Keisary who specializes in advising private clients and on real estate law; and Ariella Dreyfuss who specializes in advising technology companies and on M&A transactions.


Categories: Corporate

2015 employment laws: important rulings made this year

The leading Israeli newspaper Globes, interviewed employment experts, including our Head of Employment Department in order to discuss the most influential rulings in this area.

Categories: Employment

Exemption from responsibility, indemnification and insurance of officers associations - is it possible and how?

Arrangements for exemption from responsibility, indemnification and insurance of officers associations (in the benefit of the public) have been gaining momentum recently, both by officers in these organizations seeking shelter under these arrangements, similar to officers in commercial companies, as well as from insurance companies that see the third sector as a potential market.  

Categories: NPO

Hungary- the standard VAT rate of 27% will be reduced in 2016 to 5% for the sale of newly constructed residences

Since the number of newly constructed apartments and houses dropped drastically in Hungary in recent years, the aim of the VAT amendment is to increase the number of residential properties available on the Hungarian market. Adv. Gal Oren, who has extensive experience in the Hungarian market, was interviewed by Calcalist.

Categories: Real Estate

Israeli private and public companies may submit documents to the Companies’ registrar in English

In an article published in The Lawyer and Lexology, Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss and Adv. Asaf Shalev explain that a new draft bill, published at the beginning of the month, proposes that Israeli private and public companies should be able to submit documents to the Israeli Companies Registrar in English. The aim of the bill is to ease the process for foreign parties interested in investing in Israeli business and participating in Israel’s high tech story.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech

Technology, Media & Telecommunications 2015 round table

Micky Barnea was one of nine experts from around the world who participated in the "Corporate Livewire" virtual round table. The subject of the event was Technology, Media & Telecommunications 2015. 

Micky discussed recent regulatory changes, key trends and Intellectual Property in the Media Industry.

Categories: High Tech

InterGame 2016 directory

Our firm was chosen as one of the three best Israeli law offices providing services in the gaming and gambling industry by the InterGame 2016 directory. The InterGame is the ultimate portal for the coin-op amusement, casino and online gaming industries.

Categories: Internet

Employee or independent? Ways to save money at the fast approaching end of the tax year, 2015.

What can the taxpayer do to take advantage of available tax breaks and allowances?

Tax experts, including adv. Harel Perlmutter, discuss these issues on Ynet.

Categories: Tax

Overview of the changes in the Internet gambling industry

Increasing competition in the online gambling industry is motivating leading players in the industry to try to find new sources of income.

Categories: Internet

Israel signs OECD Automatic Tax Information Exchange Agreement

Israel signed the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (MCAA) to facilitate the automatic exchange of financial information, boosting the number of signatories to 91 and enhancing the global efforts against tax evasion, the OECD announced. 

Harel Perlmutter was interviewed by Bloomberg BNA about this agreement. 

Categories: Tax

Israeli home prices rose in Q3

Israel's Government Assessor published today the fact that home prices rose 1.4% in the third quarter of 2015.

Adv Ariel Nadler, head of our Real Estate Department, was interviewed by Bizportal, saying that he believes that only an all encompassing solution to the problem of high property prices in Israel can stop this upward trend.


Categories: Real Estate

The average price of a home continued to rise in the third quarter

Ariel Nadler was interviewed by Globes regarding the Government Assessors Office report of a 1% rise in home prices in Israel's 16 largest cities from the second quarter and a 3% rise from a year ago.

Categories: Real Estate

Barnea & co. represents Mr. Haim Levy

The trend for Israelis to operate investment companies abroad can lead to business disputes; Adv. Zohar Lande and Adv. Gal Livshits from Barnea represent Mr. Haim Levy, known for his book "Real estate in Jeans", in a million dollar lawsuit against two of his business partners who founded a real estate company in the United States.

Categories: Litigation

Summations filed in the Tisch versus Yogev case

After nearly three years of litigation proceedings relating  to Edwin Tisch's claim against Ori Yogev, summations were submitted yesterday.  Tisch claims that Whitewater and Yogev made false representations and acted fraudulently, causing Tisch to invest millions in Whitewater Holdings. According to Tisch, Yogev intoduced the project as the "Checkpoint" of the water industry, and "it is designed to change water treatment in Israel and abroad".

Categories: Litigation