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Not Just Because of Price: Why Are Food Manufacturers Shrinking Product Packaging?

Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our firm's Litigation Department, was interviewed by Globes about the lesser known aspects of the phenomenon known as "shrinkflation."

Categories: Litigation

Barnea: Representing Naveh Pharma and Bigdam Ltd in Sale to Diplomat

The import giant Diplomat has acquired control of the companies Naveh Pharma and Bigdam Ltd for NIS 96 million. Advs. Sagi Gross, Dor Levi-Tam, and Izabel Pashayev successfully represented the companies and their owners in the transaction.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Life Sciences

Barnea: Representing Neve Pharma in Sale to Diplomat for NIS 81 Million

Neve Pharma is engaged in the development, marketing, and sale of nutritional supplements, as well as medical accessories in the ENT field. Sixty-five percent of the company was recently sold to the public company Diplomat for NIS 81 million. Neve Pharma was represented by Sagi Gross, Dor Levi-Tam, and Izabel Pashayev in the transaction. 

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | IP and Licensing | Life Sciences

Responding to ITA Solution for TAMA 38 Tax Benefits

The Israel Tax Authority announced a temporary solution for the problem of tax benefits in TAMA 38 projects. Our firm commented on the proposed solution.

Categories: Real Estate

Barnea Representing Migdal in Investment in Major European Infrastructure Project

Roy Engel and Yakov Vilenski represented Migdal in a NIS 130 million investment in one of the biggest infrastructure projects in Europe: the NeuConnect Interconnector. This project consists of a 725 km submarine power transmission line that will connect the English power grid with the German power grid for the first time. The investment agreement was signed with the French fund MIE III Co-Investment Fund II S.L.P.

Categories: Investment Funds

Barnea Representing Phoenix and More against Megureit Israel

Phoenix and More, two of three institutional bodies held by Megureit Israel, a residential real estate investment fund listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, sent the public company a letter demanding it disclose documents as a step before filing a derivative lawsuit against it. The basis of the letter is the claim that the extension of the agreement with the management company was carried out in a manner inconsistent with the rules of proper corporate governance and the provisions of the law, since approval of the general meeting was never received.

Advs. Zohar Lande, Adi Shoham and Tzofiya Shenfeld are representing Phoenix and More in this matter


Categories: Derivative Actions | Litigation

Proud to Announce Program to Support New Parents – "Barnea with You"

Our firm is proud to announce the launch of "Barnea with You," a program aimed at supporting new parents at our firm. As part of this program, new mothers who remain on maternity leave longer than (the paid) 15 weeks will be entitled to a monetary grant from the office for each month of parental leave, up to a maximum of three months. Other benefits include five extra days of paternity leave at the company's expense and group activities for mothers on maternity leave. For more information, read the Globes article.

Barnea Representing Several Ability Group Cyber Companies

Advs. Zohar Lande and Liron Dahan submitted a motion to initiate insolvency proceedings and temporary operations on behalf of several cyber companies from Ability Group. Ability Group faces debts of approximately NIS 150 million.


Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements | Litigation

The Next Generation of Shareholders – Micky Barnea Interview in Globes

Are the heirs of business owners entitled to inherit company shares in equal parts? Read the Globes interview with Micky Barnea, our firm's managing partner.

Major Import Reform: Who Is Set to Benefit? Amichai Cohen Op-Ed in Jerusalem Post

As part of Israel’s economic plan for 2021-2022, a major import reform came into effect in June. This reform aims to encourage competition between Israeli manufacturers by allowing cheaper imports of products from abroad. How will the reform work and who will benefit and lose from it? Read the op-ed by Prof. Amichai Cohen, the firm’s expert advisor on international legal issues, in the Jerusalem Post.

Categories: International Law | Regulation

Bezeq Affair and Implications for Independent Committees – Micky Barnea Interview in Globes

Following Judge Michal Agmon-Gonen’s ruling to drop certain charges from the indictment in the Bezeq securities case, Micky Barnea, the firm’s managing partner, was interviewed by Globes. Micky noted, “This ruling should not diminish the status of independent committees, but rather create order regarding them.”

Categories: Capital Markets

Barnea Representing Shefayim Water Park in Class Action Lawsuit

 Advs. Eran Winner represented Shefayim Water Park in reaching a settlement agreement in the class action filed against it over alleged violations of Israel’s Prevention of Smoking in Public Places and Exposure to Smoking Law.


Categories: Class Actions | Litigation

Representing the NFT GameChain in Its USD 24 Million A Round

We represented the Israeli crypto and NFT startup GameChain (UnCaged Studio) in raising USD 24 million as part of a series A round.

The round was led by Griffin Gaming Partners and was joined by Vgames, Maverick Ventures Israel, MaxStealth, Drive by DraftKings, and 6th Man Ventures.

Zvi Gabbay, Ariella Dreyfuss, Andrey Yanai and Tal Freilich provided representation in the transaction.



Categories: Corporate

Barnea Representing Businessman in NIS 20 Million Lawsuit against Moshe Hogeg

Advs. Zohar Lande, Moran Bickel, Michael and Asaf Glasner are representing an American businessman in a NIS 20 million lawsuit against Moshe Hogeg, Adi Sheleg, Singulariteam, and additional defendants.

The plaintiff claims the defendants prompted him to invest in a cryptocurrency venture called Stox, which did not really exist, and fraudulently pocketed the investment funds.

Categories: Litigation

Proud to Represent Cibus Fund in Biotech Company Investment

Barnea represented Cibus Fund in an investment in Phytolon, a biotech company that develops fermentation-based natural food colors.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech

Israel's New Urban Renewal Plan – When and What?

Last week, the Knesset approved Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked's new urban renewal plan in second and third readings.
The new plan will replace Tama 38, the national outline plan for strengthening existing structures against earthquakes.
What are the main points of the new urban renewal plan? How will it be implemented and until when can projects be promoted within the framework of Tama 38? Read Globe's new article.

Categories: Real Estate

Hadar Israeli and Jacki Silbermann Op-Ed in Calcalist – Should Israel Be Worried about the US Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion?

The Israeli legal system, like many others, often relies on US precedents and views the US constitution and legal system as a model. Will the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade affect abortion in Israel as well?

Barnea Representing Entrepreneur in Conflict over Cannabis Growing Venture in Golan Heights

Eyal Nachshon and Shachar Rothschild represented the entrepreneur and businessman Tomer Solomon against his former partners Uri Amitai, Nir Pelter, and Nadav Segal in a lawsuit over the rights to shares in a cannabis company founded by Solomon. After a hearing on the allegations, the court ruled Solomon was illegally deprived of his holdings, in violation of agreements with him. Therefore, the court ordered the enforcement of the agreements and the return of his holdings in the venture.

Categories: Litigation

Barnea Represents Azrieli in Data Center Acquisition

We represented Azrieli Group in the acquisition of a London data center operator for GBP 52 million. The acquisition is part of Azrieli's expansion in the data center sector. Ariella Dreyfuss, Mayer Winkler, and Tal Freilich provided representation in the transaction.

Categories: Corporate

Barnea Representing Meir Arbiv in Dispute with Nochi Dankner

Advs. Zohar Lande, Moran Bickel, and Asaf Glazner are representing the agricultural entrepreneur Meir Arbiv, who claims Israeli businessman Nochi Dankner's new foodtech venture is based on his trade secrets. Arbiv alleges he passed on such information to Dankner after being convinced to enter into a partnership with him.

Categories: Litigation