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Monetary Authority of Singapore to Begin Regulating the Issuance of Virtual Currencies

Adv. Daniel Israeli was interviewed by TheMarker after the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced it would begin regulating the issuance of virtual currencies (ICO). Daniel noted that Singapore has developed into a destination of sorts for ICOs, and thus the MAS' decision will certainly change the rules of the game.

Categories: Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Internet | Regulation

SEC's Initial Coin Offerings ruling

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled that initial coin offerings are subject to the same requirements as those falling under federal securities laws. Read our interview in TheMarker.

Categories: Internet

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss to lecture at the Bengis Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss will lecture today to the participants of the international program of the Ben-Gurion University Innovation Program on the topics of founder agreements, IP and investment agreements.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech

Barnea & Co. represented Industries Centers EOD in the acquisition of control by US company ADM

The acquisition of control by US company ADM of Israeli company Industries Centers EOD—which imports and markets animal feed, processes seeds, and stores emergency inventory for the state—has been completed. The company was represented by Advs. Micky Barnea, Yuval Lazi, Ilan Blumenfeld, Daniel Lorber, Sagi Gross, and Daniel Kleinman.

Categories: Corporate | Mergers and Acquisitions

Can a deceased person's lawsuit automatically be terminated?

We were interviewed on a financial radio program regarding the fate of a lawsuit when the plaintiff passes away. We explained that the lawsuit continues via the heirs or the estate manager, who enter the shoes of the deceased. (starting at min' 9.40)

Categories: Litigation

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld to mentor at the Heseg Innovators Program (HIP)

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, a partner at Barnea, will serve on the judges' panel at the upcoming HIP presentation. The program’s entrepreneurs will present Ilan and the other mentors their ventures and receive feedback on how to improve them.

Categories: Start Ups

Adoption of Business Judgment Rule - A new article by Dr. Zvi Gabbay

Adv. Zvi Gabbay's article deals with the ruling handed down by the Israeli Supreme Court at the end of December 2016, in the Bezeq case, in which the Supreme Court adopted the protection granted to decisions of the board of directors by applying the business judgment rule. The article seeks to examine whether this ruling achieved one of its main objectives—legal certainty.

Categories: Corporate | Regulation

High Court Issues Interim Order on Channel 20’s Winning Bid for Knesset Channel

RGE, represented by Adv. Zohar Lande, Ronen Reingold and Adi Shoham of Barnea, petitioned the High Court of Justice over the results of a tender concerning the operation of the new Knesset channel. It requested an interim order that would prevent the agreement with Channel 20, who had won the tender. In a hearing held today at the High Court of Justice, the interim order was issued, freezing the results of the tender.

Categories: Commercial Litigation | Litigation

Application for a Class Action Suit against the College of Management

Our firm is representing a former teaching assistant at the School of Business Administration at the College of Management in an application for a class action suit submitted to the Labor Court.

Categories: Litigation

Adv. Itay Gura to lecture at HIP - Heseg Innovators Program

Adv. Itay Gura will lecture today on the topic of founders agreements at HIP - Heseg Innovators Program.

Categories: Start Ups

FDI Magazine Executive Breakfast Briefing: Investment opportunities in Israel

Michael Barnea, our Managing Partner, is participating today in a panel discussion on investment opportunities in Israel. The event is being held in London under the auspices of FDI Magazine, which is published by the Financial Times.

Hosting the Tel Aviv Startup CEO Roundtable

Barnea together with MarketingNV are hosting for the third time the exclusive event in the series for startup CEOs. Adv. Yuval Lazi will lecture on the topic of second round funding - key terms and mistakes to be avoided.


Categories: Start Ups

At the Request of Roni Mana, Represented by Barnea & Co., a Foreclosure was Imposed on Arena Star Group Ltd.

Roni Mana, represented by Adv. Zohar Lande and Gal Livshitz from the Litigation Department at Barnea, requested the court to order that Arena Star Group Ltd. pay brokerage fees for the sale of the Arena mall in Herzeliya. The Tel Aviv District Court today accepted Mana's request for a temporary foreclosure on the funds received by the company for the sale of the mall.

Categories: Commercial Litigation | Litigation

Micky Barnea will lecture today at a Training Seminar of the Israel Bar Association

Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, will lecture today at a Training Seminar of the Israel Bar Association on the management of a law firm.

Must-know labor laws for Israeli teens

Our Head of the Employment Department at Barnea, in an article for The Marker on the subject of youth employment during the summer vacation.

Categories: Employment

Barnea & Co. represented Johnson & Johnson regarding its investment in the startup, DayTwo

Barnea represented Johnson & Johnson in respect of its investment of USD 12 million in the startup, DayTwo, which provides personalized nutrition recommendations based on mapping and analyzing the composition of intestinal bacteria.

Categories: Corporate | Mergers and Acquisitions | Start Ups

Barnea & Co. Represented Avgol in the Sale of its Rights in the Barkan Plant

Barnea represented Avgol in the sale of its rights in the Barkan plant for NIS 52.5 million. Avgol is in the process of transfering its production center in Israel to Dimona.

Categories: Capital Markets | Corporate | Mergers and Acquisitions | Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

Zohar Lande Represented GBI Racing at a Hearing Before the Ministry of Finance

Adv. Zohar Lande, Head of the Litigation Department at Barnea represented GBI Racing, the UK racing betting company, at a hearing before the Ministry of Finance, following the decision to cancel betting on horse racing in Israel.

Categories: Administrative Law | Litigation

Adv. Asaf Shalev to lecture at the Startau Entrepreneurship Course

Adv. Asaf Shalev will lecture today on the topics of founders agreements and IP at the Entrepreneurship Course of Startau, Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center.

Categories: Intellectual Property | Start Ups

Board of Directors 2017 - Challenges and Risks

Barnea, in cooperation with the Israel Director Union, is hosting a seminar on the challenges and risks in the functions of a Board of Directors. Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, will discuss the risks in the functions of the board of directors. Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Partner and Head of the Capital Markets Department, will deal with corporate governance and enforcement programs.

Categories: Corporate | Regulation