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2020’s Wave of IPOs

Since the beginning of 2020, ten initial public offerings (IPOs) have been completed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, for a total of NIS 12 billion. In addition, another 15 companies plan to issue IPOs at a cumulative value of NIS 8 billion by the end of the year. What has changed, why should we pay attention, and what should we watch out for? Five experts in the field, including Micky Barnea, answer all TheMarker’s questions. 

How to Comply with Local Employment Laws in a World with No Boundaries

As a result of COVID-19, in recent months, many employers have closed their offices and required their employees to work from home, sometimes indefinitely. Employers and employees alike have learned that people no longer need to be present at an office to get work done. This has created another unique situation. Israelis who relocated to countries around the world are now either requesting to return to Israel to be close to their family or being asked by their companies to return home in order to save costs. The question is how can this work for an Israeli employed by an international company with no connection to Israel. What are the legal requirements in such a situation? Netta Bromberg, the head of our Employment Department, has published an article in Calcalist on the subject.


Categories: Employment

Investor Relations Workshop – the Practical Aspects

The Israel Investor Relations Forum of the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies, in collaboration with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, has launched an investor relations course for executives from leading companies. Yesterday’s session focused on regulation, including the rules of the game and how to publicize announcements to international investors.


Dr. Zvi Gabbay’s lecture, entitled “Duty to Report – Practical Implications,” covered how regulation in both Israel and the US can affect a company.

Jacki Silbermann Lectures on Workers' Rights

Jacki Silbermann, a lawyer from our firm's Employment Department, lectured today on workers' rights in Israel.

The lecture was held as part of a program run by Israel Tech Challenge, an organization established to address the manpower shortage in the Israeli tech industry. Israel Tech Challenge offers intensive training programs for new immigrants who are outstanding graduates from leading universities around the world. The lecture was held as part of a training session for the ITC's Data Science Fellows program.

Categories: Employment

Ariella Dreyfuss to Serve as Judge for IBM Alpha Zone Pitch Day

The IBM Accelerator Pitch Day will be held today. As part of the event, entrepreneurs will present their ideas to a panel of experts. Ariella Dreyfuss will serve on the judges' panel at the event

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

“It’s A New World Out There – Hedge Funds Navigating COVID”

As part of our legal counsel to the Israel Hedge Funds Association, we are proud to be involved in the IHFA's 8th Annual Conference. The theme of the conference is It's A New World Out There – Hedge Funds Navigating COVID.”

Categories: Capital Markets | Hedge Funds

Cyber Attack on Tower Semiconductor: What is the Effect on the Company’s Activity?

Tower identified a cyber attack on its systems and released a statement saying it had taken measures to prevent the event’s further development. Yuval Lazi and Anat Even Chen, partners from our firm that represent companies dealing with cyber breaches, were interviewed by Globes on the matter. They explained the attack’s impact on the company, the company’s different alternatives of how now to respond, and when and if a company should report a cyber attack.

Categories: Cyber | High Tech

New Ruling Expected to Reduce Managers' Responsibility Following a Company's Collapse

In an important ruling recently handed down, the Tel Aviv District Court rejected a NIS 120 million lawsuit filed by Habas Group against the company's managers. Judge Kabub's ruling constitutes an initial interpretation of a new section of the the Insolvency and Rehabilitation Law, which deals with the degree of responsibility that can be attributed to managers when the company they run becomes insolvent.

Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

TheMarker published this morning an in-depth report on the logistics of purchasing COVID-19 products

The article mentions the Ministry of Finance's decision to exempt from a tender process LR Industries Ltd., an Israeli importer, thus allowing it to supply millions of COVID-19 testing kits to the Ministry of Health, at an estimated value of USD 7.7 million. In response, veteran Israeli company Biological Industries Bet Haemek filed an administrative appeal and a motion for an interim order against the decision. This process was led by Advs. Shai Avnieli and Shay Bello from our firm.

A Startup Guide to the American Market

Daniel Lorber was invited to speak at a new Tech7 and Nisha Global meetup for those looking for their next market overseas. Daniel discussed the differences in US and Israeli business cultures.

Zvi Gabbay Lectures Compliance Officer Training Course

As an expert in the compliance field, Zvi Gabbay was invited for the fourth straight year to lecture a compliance officer training course organized by the BDO Academy of Finance and MITIGATE. This unique practical course is geared to compliance officers in international financial organizations. During the lecture, Zvi discussed administrative enforcement and enforcement plans.

Categories: Capital Markets | Enforcement

Adv. Niv Polani, Retired Bank Hapoalim Executive, Joins Barnea Jaffa Lande

Adv. Niv Polani has more than thirty years of experience in the legal and banking worlds. He held several senior positions at Bank Hapoalim, one of Israel's largest banks, including Vice General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, Vice President, and Head of Corporate Development. Niv also served as the General Counsel and Head of Regulatory Affairs of one of Israel’s leading credit card companies. Niv joins Barnea Jaffa Lande as an of counsel and will focus on developing and strengthening the firm's activities in the banking and payments fields.


Categories: Banking & Finance

Supreme Court Reduces Protection for New Apartment Buyers

A new Supreme Court ruling determines that a warning note may not be used as collateral for buyers of apartments in a TAMA 38 project in Ramat Gan in which the developer went bankrupt. In light of the ruling, Elder Adato, the head of our Real Estate Department, was interviewed by Calcalist. He commented: "In dozens of TAMA 38 projects all over the country, the only collateral home buyers received until now was a warning note. These warning notes were primarily intended to ensure the money of home buyers. It is important to note that this ruling applies only to a specific event, in which the contractor collapsed and the warning notes constituted an 'onerous asset' for the completion of the project. "

Categories: Real Estate | Urban Renewal

Real Estate Investors: What to Know about Purchasing an Apartment Following the Decision to Lower Purchase Tax Rates

The Ministry of Finance has announced reduced tax rates for the purchase of an apartment for investment. How much will you pay and how can you choose the right tax payment route for you? Check out Liat Keisary’s guide for investors published by Mako.


Categories: Private Clients | Real Estate

Providing Counsel in the Establishment of a New Investment Fund in Asia

Liquidity Fund of Meitav Dash will establish with MUFG Bank, the world’s largest Japanese bank, a new private investment fund in Asia. The new fund will be incorporated in Singapore, and will provide credit to companies in Asia, through securitization transactions of future cash flows. Our firm, led by attorneys Roy Engel and Yuval Lazi, accompanied Liquidity, which as part of the agreement will provide the joint company with management and underwriting services.


Categories: Capital Markets | Investment Funds

Barnea Representing Original Shareholders the Topaz Family in Sale of Holdings in Keystone Group

About a year and a half after the investment fund Accelmed, which is managed by Uri Geiger, announced the merger of the company it controls, American Keystone Group, with the Israeli Paltop company, controlled by Shmuel Topaz, it is now acquiring the entire holdings in Paltop for NIS 100 million. This ends the conflict between the investor groups of Paltop and Accelmed. Advs. Daniel Lorber, Netta Bromberg, and Harel Perlmutter  represented the Topaz family and the Paltop investors.


Categories: Corporate

Barnea Represented Azrieli Group in Launch of New Fashion Website

Azrieli Group and MGS have launched a retail website to sell fashion and footwear products. This is the first time Azrieli has set up a company together with a retailer. The deal was led by Sagi Gross.


Categories: E-commerce | Internet

Expanding to International Markets – Is Your Business Ready?

Micky Barnea was invited to be a guest speaker in a webinar held on July 30 presented together with CoWrks Foundry (an India-based accelerator), RIHub (US-based innovation hub), and Brown University. Micky discussed the legal aspects of introducing a startup to the international market.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech

COVID-19's Effect on Completing Transactions

Many steps go into completing M&A transactions. Now, with the COVID-19 outbreak, companies are taking this time to modify and sometimes even cancel transactions. What is behind the delay in completing transactions, and on whom to take the risk? Globes interviewed M&A expert Micky Barnea on the subject.

Categories: Corporate

Representing Britannica Knowledge Systems in USD 70 Million Deal with US Army

Advs. Yuval Lazi and Uri Hillel of our firm accompanied Britannica Knowledge Systems, a world-leading provider of advanced solutions for training management and professional competence, in a USD 70 million contract for the supply of the FOX system to the United States Army.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech