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Considering Bitcoin an Asset Could Set Back Usage in Israel

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, Head of the Tax Department at Barnea, was interviewed by Bitcoin.com regarding the Israeli Tax Authority’s (ITA) draft on digital currencies. Harel commented that the draft circular is a declaration of intent from the ITA and at this stage no draft legislation has been published.

Categories: Start Ups | Tax

Doing Business in Israel – Practical Law

Doing Business in Israel? A Q&A guide to doing business in Israel written by Barnea was published in the Practical Law website. The guide gives an overview of the legal system, foreign investment, regulation, and other issues pertaining to Israel.

Categories: Antitrust and Competition | Corporate | E-commerce | Employment | High Tech | Intellectual Property | Tax

Eliezer Fishman Is Not Alone: Every Year 19 Thousand Israelis Declared Bankrupt

Our Litigation Department was interviewed by Maariv's "The Weekend" following Eliezer Fishman's declaration of bankruptcy. We noted there are ways to prevent the loss of all family assets, even in the event of bankruptcy, and to avoid involving the family assets with business assets.


Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

AtoBe – Azrieli College of Engineering Startup Accelerator

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, Head of the Tax Department at Barnea, lectured today on taxation of startups at the AtoBe – Azrieli College of Engineering Startup Accelerator.

Categories: Start Ups | Tax

Tamid IDC Pitch Event

Adv. Yuval Lazi, Partner in the Technology Department at Barnea, participated as a judge at Tamid's Pitch Event. Tamid is part of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya program that connects American students with the Israeli economic landscape.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Barnea & Co. Represents Real Estate Agent, Roni Mana and his Agency

Adv. Zohar Lande and Adv. Gal Livshits from the Litigation Department at Barnea are representing real estate agent, Roni Mana, and his agency, in a lawsuit filed at the Tel Aviv District Court against Arena Star Group Ltd, controlled by Marcus Weber, and the CEO, Michael Fuchs, for failure to pay brokerage fees in the amount of NIS 5.88 million.

Categories: Litigation

Barnea & Co. is hosting a delegation from Germany

Barnea is hosting today a delegation from Germany, who will be visiting Israel for the first time in order to look for investment and cooperation opportunities, mainly in the real estate and insurance tech fields.

Categories: High Tech | Real Estate

Roundtable with VC's Investing in Cyber Security

Barnea will host today, together with Israel-America Chamber of Commerce and the BIRD Foundation,  a roundtable meeting with Mr. Kevin Stine, Chief of Applied Cybersecurity Division at NIST (The National Institute of Standards and Technology), an agency of the US Department of Commerce. The roundtable will include senior managers of Israeli VC’s community and Cyber Security startups.  

Categories: Cyber | High Tech

Dr. Zvi Gabbay Participated in a Panel Discussion on the Subject of Administrative Enforcement in Haaret'z "Echad Haa'm"

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Partner and Head of the Capital Markets at Barnea, participated in a panel discussion on the subject of Administrative Enforcement in Haaret'z "Echad Haa'm", the magazine of the Public Companies Association. The panel discussed the implications of administrative enforcement on the market and on the levels of corporate governance and conduct of companies. (In Hebrew. Pages 16-21)

Categories: Capital Markets

Barnea & Co. hosted a delegation from Singapore

Barnea hosted this week a delegation from Singapore which was invited to Israel by Startau, Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center. The delegation held a series of meetings with leaders of the technological and entrepreneurial environment in Israel.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Seminar on the New Multiple Housing Taxation Law

Barnea is conducting on February 14th a morning seminar on the new Multiple Housing Taxation Law. Adv. Maya Zisser, Partner at the Real-Estate Department will lecture on the new tax - to whom does it apply, the tax rate, payment methods, exemptions and credits. Adv. Harel Perlmutter from the Tax Department will lecture on tax saving opportunities in respect of rental income. 

Categories: Real Estate Taxation | Tax

US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Decides to Investigate Allergan’s Generics Business (Actavis Generics).

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Partner and Head of Capital Markets at Barnea was interviewed by Globes following the decision by the FTC to investigate a company related to Teva. 

Categories: Capital Markets | Compliance

Israel Seeks Tax on Bitcoin, Virtual Currency Transactions

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, Head of the Tax Department at Barnea, was interview by Bloomberg regarding a draft circular of the Israel Tax Authority on taxation of virtual currencies (bitcoins and the like).  Harel commented that the draft imposes almost insurmountable restrictions on the use of virtual currencies in Israel, due to the liabilities and costs involved.

Categories: Internet | Tax | Taxation of Cryptocurrencies

Privacy and Data Protection Law

On 17/01 Barnea together with the ACC, will host an event on Privacy and Data Protection Law affecting employees in the workplace.We will lecture on the Israeli Privacy Aspects.

Categories: Employment | Privacy Law

The Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda Young Entrepreneurs Skills Day

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, Partner at Barnea, gave a lecture on the Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship at the Center for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda  Young Entrepreneurs Skills Day.


Categories: Start Ups

Hosting the South Carolina Business and Research Delegation

Barnea is hosting today a business and research delegation from South Carolina, comprised of business leaders, researchers and business developers at hospitals and research Institutions and economic development officials. They have come to Israel to promote collaboration with Israeli companies in Biomed, Cyber and Tech Automotive. Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, will give a lecture on the legal aspects of doing business in Israel.

Categories: Cyber | High Tech | Life Sciences

Micky Barnea in an Interview by Globes regarding Executive Pay in the Finance Sector and regarding Concessions from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and the Israel Securities Authority

Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, was interviewed by Globes regarding executive pay in the finance sector. He also interviewed on concessions granted by the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and the Israel Securities Authority. Micky commented that the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and the Israel Securities Authority have granted a set of concessions to encourage more companies to go public. However, according to Micky, as regards the issue of regulation, the exemptions should be more significant.

Categories: Capital Markets

Mentoring Startups and Entrepreneurs at the Technological Incubator TechCode

Adv. Yuval Lazi, Partner at the Technology Department in Barnea will give business and legal mentoring for start-ups and entrepreneurs at the technological incubator TechCode. Chinese Techcode is a chain of international incubators for start-ups, which assist companies looking to access the Chinese market.

Categories: Start Ups

Barnea & Co. Represented GBI Racing before the Knesset Reform Committee

Barnea is representing GBI Racing, a British company which provides betting services to Toto (the Israel Sports Betting Board). Adv. Zohar Lande participated in the Knesset Reform Committee meeting, which discussed the decision to cancel the permit given to Toto as proposed in the Economic Arrangements Law.

Categories: Administrative Law | Litigation

Globes Op-Ed: Restoration of Funds for Victims of Stock Manipulation

In an op-ed published in Globes, we discussed the restoration of funds for victims of stock manipulation, focusing on the question of whether the state is obligated to repay a portion of the fine directly to the victims through a distribution mechanism.

Categories: Capital Markets