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Raising of the retirement age for women- Globes magazine

Our head of the employment department, was interviewed by Globes magazine (in Hebrew) regarding the raising of the retirement age for women "this move is important both for promoting gender equality and for the status of women in the labor market, but I believe that the Israeli labor market is not ready for it". 

Categories: Employment

A lecture by Micky Barnea at the BDO Academy

As an expert in the technology field, Micky Barnea was invited to lecture at a unique course for entrepreneurs organized by the BDO Academy, in association with the Technion’s Division of Continuing Education. Micky discussed founders agreements and investment agreements.

Categories: High Tech

Globes IT magazine- Roundtable

We participated in a roundtable held by Globes IT magazine. The subject of the event was Internet law, Cyber Protection, Privacy Information and the effects of technology. (P. 28-29)

Categories: Internet

Corporate Governance - From the Procedural to the Substantive

An article by Adv. Zvi Gabbay that discusses the need to examine Corporate Governance in terms of its substantiveness and not just through a procedural form. The article reviews the development of Corporate Governance from the time it was adopted in Israel in the mid-2000’s to the present and delineates general principles for further future developments, while highlighting the integration of tests of substantiveness that would allow the implementation of Corporate Governance in an optimal manner.

Categories: Capital Markets

How Share Options Help To Grow Your Start Up

Azrieli College Of Engineering Jerusalem and AtoBe Start Up Accelerator will host an event on "How Share Options Help To Grow Your Start Up", in a partnership with Barnea and Excellence, on March 16, 2016. Micky Barnea will lecture at the event on Options for start-ups’ partners & employees.

Categories: Corporate

Bizportal magazine interviewed Ariel Nadler for his comments on the change in the Sale Law

As an expert in Real Estate, Adv. Ariel Nadler was interviewed by Bizportal magazine regarding the change in the Sale Law, approved this morning by the Israeli Government. Ariel commented- "the only thing that can hurt homebuyers is the reduction of the Sale Law guarantees given to buyers of apartments, by the amount of the VAT element. This means that in the event of the realization of the guarantee, where the purchaser has paid VAT funds, the return thereof to the buyer will not be guaranteed.’’

Categories: Real Estate

Angel's Investor workshop

As part of our cooperation with MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel, our office will take part in an Angel's Investor workshop consisting of 6 meetings. Adv. Micky Barnea, Adv. Yuval Lazi and Adv Ariella Dreyfuss will lecture at the workshop.


Categories: Corporate | Internet

Airbnb users may face a new tax reality

In the last few years the Airbnb platform has become a significant player in the tourist market, with a user base growing at 40% at the last year. Thousands of Israelis rent out their apartments through Airbnb and earned an amount equivalent to a monthly salary. The ITA has (until now) not been proactive in enforcing the taxability of such income. 

Adv. Harel Perlmutter was interviewed for the Ynet website and spoke about the new tax rules that may change this trend.

Categories: Tax

Relocation Seminar for employers

Barnea is pleased to be hosting a seminar for employers on relocation on March 9, 2016. The seminar will take place at our offices. At the seminar we will discuss various aspects of the relocation process. Among the speakers will be Zvi Kan-Tor, partner at Kan-Tor & Acco, as well as Michal Daliot and Hanni Ben-Shimol from Relocation. The seminar is being held in cooperation with Kan-Tor & Acoo and Relocation office.

Categories: Employment

Start-up nation- Israel and its tech sector

The British magazine "the Lawyer" published an extensive article about Israel's high- tech industry.

Several partners at leading law firms, including Simon Jaffa, were interviewed by the magazine and discussed the reasons which made Israel "the start-up nation" and about recent changes in the industry (P. 42-48).


Categories: Start Ups

Adv. Daniel Lorber represented Barnea as a judge on an investors panel

On February 15, Petah Tikva Entrepreneurial Community, in association with StarTAU, the Entrepreneurship Center at Tel Aviv University, hosted a panel of investment experts, which included Adv. Daniel Lorber. Participants presented their business venture ideas to the panel.

Categories: Start Ups

Barnea & Co represented Covercy

Adv. Simon Jaffa, Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss, Adv. Itay Gura and Adv. Karin Kashi represented Covercy, a Fintech start up in the foreign exchange and remittance industry, in raising financing in a round led by SGVC

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Mergers and Acquisitions

TheMarker magazine interviewed Zohar Lande for his comments on Israel's next antitrust chief

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has appointed Adv. Michal Halperin to be Israel's next antitrust chief. TheMarker magazine interviewed leading legal experts on antitrust Law, and asked them for their comments on this appointment. Zohar Lande commented: "One of the most significant challenges Adv. Halperin will face is maintaining the delicate balance between the continued encouragement of foreign companies that seek to enter and invest in the Israeli economy and the Israeli consumer who is grappling with the day-to-day cost of living".

Categories: Antitrust and Competition

Barnea & Co. represents Edison Investment Research in an agreement with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

In order to assist investors in Israel and abroad make prudent and informed investment decisions, the TASE concluded an agreement with Edison Investment Research to promote a unique model that has not yet been tried in the Israeli capital market. The new model involves Edison doing independent analysis for high-tech and biomedical companies traded on the TASE. This venture will be partially sponsored by the Israeli Stock Exchange.


Categories: Capital Markets

Israeli Gambling Market Review

Away from the media spotlight and public awareness, Israel has become a global player in the field of online gambling. Employees are able to make a career and earn good money in this field - but they do not always tell people what they do because of the negative image of this industry.

Our Head of Internet department at Barnea was interviewed by TheMarker for their Gambling Market Special Report.

Categories: Internet

Adv. Yuval Lazi join Barnea

Barnea continues its expansion and has recruited a further 12 Attorneys in the past few weeks. Micky Barnea commented to TheMarker regarding such expansion: Yuval Lazi joining with his team is a result of the firm’s growth and allows us to continue providing top legal service.

Micky Barnea was interviewed by Globes and asked how TASE can encourage high-tech companies to register on the Israeli stock exchange

As an expert in Capital Markets, Micky Barnea was interviewed exclusively by Globes regarding the TASE "poor year" in 2015. In the interview, Micky describes the reasons for the situation: stifling regulation, low turnover, high costs, and describes what he thinks TASE should do in order to attract new companies to TASE.  

Categories: Capital Markets

Nespresso suing Espresso Club for using George Clooney lookalike advert

Adv. Zohar Lande, head of the Litigation practice at Barnea, is representing Espresso Club Ltd., an Israeli corporation, in an IP claim filed against it by Nespresso and Nestle.

Categories: Litigation

Barnea & Co. represents Espresso Club Ltd.

Barnea represents Espresso Club Ltd., an Israeli provider of home espresso machines using a capsule system, in a claim filed against them by Nespresso Israel, as well as the international Nestle and Nespresso corporations. The Plaintiffs’ claim that a TV commercial of Espresso Club, which features a George Clooney double, denigrates their brand's image and tarnishes Nespresso's reputation by ridiculing the Nespresso image. For the full article, Fox news, please click here

Categories: Litigation

Barnea & Co. hosted Unistream's investment committee

As part of our cooperation with Unistream, our office hosted the Organization's investment committee.

At the meeting, the participants presented a business venture developed during the program.

Adv. Micky Barnea and  Adv. Ronit Offir were chosen to be members of the jury, which also comprised CEO's and industry executives (eg. Microsoft), investment managers and directors of venture capital funds. 


Categories: NPO