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Employment: When Is It Permissible to Fire an Employee Due to Posts on Social Media?

The Regional Labor Court dismissed the claim of an employee who was terminated shortly after Hamas’s October 7 attack, after posting verses from the Quran interpreted as incitement to terrorism. As an expert in labor law, Globes interviewed Netta Bromberg on the ruling. She noted, “This is a ruling of considerable complexity, as it deals not only with legal matters but also with issues of interpretation and cultural context—a multifaceted and weighty subject.”

Categories: Employment

Representing T-Rex Group and Finsight

Itay Gura, Mayer Winkler, and Inbar Katzir represented both T-Rex Group and Finsight in the sale of all the assets of T-Rex, a pioneering startup specializing in private credit, to Finsight, an American fintech company.

Categories: High Tech

Supreme Court: Metpro DMY Tender Win for M1 Metro Line Stands

Zohar Lande and Shai Avnieli represented Metpro DMY in an administrative appeal submitted to the Supreme Court, in which another bidder attempted to disqualify Metpro’s win in the tender for the management and planning of the M1 metro line. The Supreme Court accepted the district court’s position, recommending that the appellant withdraw its appeal and reach an agreement with Metpro regarding legal expenses.

Categories: Infrastructure

Transaction: Shinez Acquisition by Team Internet Group plc

Simon Jaffa, Itay Gura, Inbar Katzir, and Avihay Asulin represented Shinez, a prominent digital marketing company, in its acquisition by Team Internet Group plc., a leading international online marketing and media corporation, for USD 41.8 million.


Categories: High Tech

Barnea: Participating in Bar-Ilan University Environmental Law Hackathon

Anat Even-Chen introduced the environmental law hackathon and assisted Bar-Ilan University students in formulating their project proposals, which were presented for judging today before Dr. Zvi Gabbay.

Categories: Environmental Law

Webinar: Competition Authorities’ Recent Actions May Also Affect You. How Should You Prepare?

Our firm and the Israeli Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC Israel) co-hosted a webinar on competition law. The webinar featured the Israel Competition Authority’s Deputy Legal Counsel, who reviewed the latest developments in competition law enforcement, including from the ICA’s perspective.


Categories: Antitrust and Competition

Potential ICC Arrest Warrants – Prof. Amichai Cohen Interviewed on “One a Day” Podcast

Prof. Amichai Cohen and Channel 12 news correspondent Yaron Avraham were featured on Elad Simchayoff’s “One a Day” podcast to discuss the International Criminal Court’s potential arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials over the war in Gaza.


Categories: International Law

Employment Law: Workers’ Rights during Passover

Lior Girshevitz, an associate in our firm’s Employment Department, was interviewed by N12 for its guide on workers’ rights during the Passover holiday. Lior noted, “There is no legal obligation requiring an employer to make the workplace kosher for Passover. Consequently, an employee has no legal right not to come to the workplace even if it is not kosher according to Jewish law.”


Categories: Employment

New Class Action Bill: Eyal Nachshon Interview with Globes

A new bill seeks to oblige would-be plaintiffs to send letters of complaint to potential defendants before filing a class action motion. Eyal Nachshon, a partner in our firm’s Litigation Department and an expert on class action lawsuits, was interviewed by Globes about his position on the bill. Eyal believes the proposed model “will only strengthen the institution of class actions.”

Categories: Class Actions | Litigation

Majority Shareholders, CEOs, and Board Chairmen – Interview with Micky Barnea

With the Amir brothers’ entry to Shufersal, they appointed close associates to management positions as well as board directors on their behalf. This move has sparked debate about control and management in public companies and the blending of roles between CEO, board chairman, and majority shareholder. As an expert on corporate governance and shareholder struggles, Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner, was interviewed by TheMarker on the matter.


Categories: Corporate | Shareholder Activism

Barnea: Webinar on Regulation of Payment and Payment Initiation Services Law

Our firm hosted a webinar on the new payment services law. The webinar was held as part of a forum for financial service providers that we launched together with Adv. Orit Yosef. During the webinar, Dr. Zvi Gabbay and Anat Even-Chen discussed the conditions for obtaining a license, the relationship between payment services and open banking services, and more.

Categories: Capital Markets | Regulation

National Insurance: Amos Rosenzweig Interviewed by Bizportal about NII Deficit

Amos Rosenzweig, a former general counsel of the National Insurance Institute who leads our firm’s national insurance practice, was interviewed by Bizportal about the NII’s actuarial deficit. “2036 may look far away,” Amos noted, “but it’s sooner than it seems.”  

Categories: National Insurance Institute (NII)

Terry Almozlino Arnon Interviewed by Relevant about Third Apartment Tax

Terry Almozlino Arnon, the head our firm’s Real Estate Department, was interviewed by new Israeli media channel Relevant about renewed plans for a third apartment tax. She noted, “Reducing purchase tax will stimulate the market. A serious boost of encouragement is needed, even for a short period.”


Categories: Real Estate

Barnea: Hosting IIRF Conference on Future of Stock Market Trading

We were pleased to host the Israel Investor Relations Forum’s conference on the future of stock market trading. A one-on-one conversation was held between Micah Stocks, a financial YouTuber who presents stock market news, and Rami Rozen, Director of Investor Relations at AppsFlyer and a member of the IIRF’s regulatory committee. Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our firm’s Capital Markets Department, also spoke.

Categories: Capital Markets

Pinui-Binui: Court Rules in Favor of Recalcitrant Tenants in Pinui-Binui Project

In an exceptional step, an Israeli court dismissed a claim filed by 243 residents against a couple in its 70s who refused to sign an agreement for a pinui-binui project. Part of the court’s rationale had to do with the couple’s age. Alon Wolner, a partner in our Real Estate Department, was interviewed by Globes about the case. Alon noted, “The court sided with the couple opposed to the project, even though they do not meet the law’s definition, and should not technically receive an elderly persons designation. The ruling thus provides an escape route, by allowing the couple to receive this designation, and enabling the project to proceed.”

Categories: Real Estate | Urban Renewal

Representing One Peak in USD 100 Million Financing Round

Simon Jaffa, Yuval Lazi, Mayer Winkler, Tal Freilich, Nofar Rose David, and Dana Ben Yehuda from our firm's Corporate Department represented UK-based investment management firm One Peak Partners in its investment in Coro, an Israeli cybersecurity startup.

Categories: Corporate | Start Ups

International Inheritance Tax Planning: Harel Perlmutter Interview on “Disputes Program”

Harel Perlmutter, head of our firm’s Tax Department, was interviewed by Yigal Borochovsky and Rachel Shahar for 102FM’s “Disputes Program.” He explained the procedures and necessary reporting when receiving an inheritance from outside of Israel.

Categories: Tax

New Method Threatening the Rule of Managers in the Stock Market

As an expert on control struggles, Micky Barnea was interviewed by Globes for an article on the Amir brothers' takeover of Shufersal. Micky explained the significance of holding less than 25 percent of a company and the tools available to the Israel Securities Authority in such transactions.

Categories: Shareholder Activism

Changes in the Data Security and Cyber Market – Dr. Avishay Klein Interview with Globes

Dr. Avishay Klein, the head of our firm’s Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Department, was interviewed by Globes and spoke about companies’ difficulties in managing cyber risks under the current circumstances.

Categories: Cyber

Terry Almozlino Arnon Attends Dun’s 100 Real Estate Forum

Terry Almozlino Arnon attended the Dun’s 100 forum for senior legal professionals in the real estate field. She noted, "Real estate is a main artery in the economy and there is no area it does not touch. A real estate slowdown simulates a clogging of the arteries, and just as the body cannot survive long in such a state, neither can the economy." To continue reading, click here.

Categories: Real Estate