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Everything Beginner Entrepreneurs Need to Know: Tal Freilich Hai Lectures at Aspire Pre-Accelerator

Aspire is a program of Azrieli College, intended for women entrepreneurs making their first steps in the business world. Adv. Tal Freilich Hai lectured to program participants on founders’ agreements.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Netta Bromberg Lectures to Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies on Amendment to Equal Pay Law

In preparation for the entry into force on June 1 of an amendment to Israel’s Male and Female Workers (Equal Pay) Law, firm partner Netta Bromberg lectured to members of the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies on the law, its significance, and how companies can prepare.

Categories: Employment

Plus Ventures and Oren Abeksis Sue Unicorn Company Lusha for Fraud

The investment fund Plus Ventures and private investor Oren Abeksis claim they invested millions of shekels in a previous incarnation of Lusha and that they were defrauded by the entrepreneurs. Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, Dana Bookstein, and Naama Ben Arosh Moshe are representing the plaintiffs.

Categories: Litigation

Globes Interviews Micky Barnea on Options and Executive Salary Increases

In 2021, capital compensation grew to become a more dominant component in the salaries of senior executives of companies traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. As part of an interview series with a number of capital markets experts in Globes, Micky Barnea noted, among other things, that "we are talking about managers who usually received their capital component, whether in options or in shares, before the company's issuance. This is not a negative phenomenon, as we would expect the chairman of the board, for example, whose role is to provide strategic support to the management staff, to have an identity of interests with the shareholders. When he holds such a capital component, which is positively affected by the rise of the stock, this creates an identity of interests."


Categories: Capital Markets

Israeli Tech in 2032: Anat Even-Chen in Geektime

Ahead of Israeli Independence Day, Geektime published an article asking experts to predict what Israel will be like in ten years. As an expert in the privacy field, Anat Even-Chen was asked to provided her prediction for the data protection field. Anat believes legislation will continue to concern itself with individuals' privacy and eventually there will be a uniform standardization between companies and countries regarding the issue of privacy.

Categories: Privacy Law | Regulation

Victory in Lawsuit against Shavei Israel NPO

The Tel Aviv District Court ruled the non-profit organization Shavei Israel had operated improperly for two decades in reporting to the Registrar of Associations that Ms. Sarah Green was a member of the organization. Ms. Green’s ex-husband, the founder of the non-profit, was apparently falsifying her signature on documents submitted to the Registrar. Ms. Green was represented by Advs. Zohar Lande, Gal Livshits, Zohar Haim Levinger, and Naama Ben Arosh Moshe.

Categories: Litigation

Netta Bromberg in Ynet: Working on Israel’s Memorial and Independence Days

There are unique work regulations on Israel's Memorial Day and Independence Day. Netta Bromberg, partner and head of our Employment Department, details to Ynet the major ones related to overtime hours and missing work.

Categories: Employment

Migdal Group invests in Scandinavian energy

Migdal Group has invested, together with other partnerships, in the alternative energy projects of Fu-Gen AG and Fu-Gen Assets 4 AB. Firm partners Micky Barnea, Ariella Dreyfuss, and Roy Engel advised on the NIS 1 billion investment.


Boards of Directors and Geopolitical Risks – Niv Polani Op-Ed in Calcalist

Global economic strength is adversely affected by geopolitical risks. Corporations have a duty to be prepared. Click to read Niv Polani’s Calcalist op-ed.

Categories: Banking & Finance | Regulation

The Role of a Court-Appointed Observer at the Board Table

Dr. Zvi Gabbay participated in a "Zichlinskey Hosts" meeting held by SRI Global Group together with the Israel Directors Union.

Categories: Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Ongoing Counsel | Regulation

Representing Amir Birman before Supreme Court

Advs. Hadar Israeli, Eran Elharar, and Shir Rozenzweig represented Amir Birman, one of the directors of Keren Or, in a sentencing appeal. The Supreme Court significantly reduced his sentence and granted him permission to appeal to Israel’s President for a pardon.


Categories: Litigation | White Collar

Barnea: Representing Kibbutz Shefayim and Yad Hana in Transaction to Sell Land Designated for Logistics Complex

Mivna Group has acquired 50% of the shares of the Yad Hana Homesh Industries Cooperative Association for ILS 140 million. The parties intend to jointly establish an innovative logistics center in a total built-up area of about 100,000 square meters. The client was represented by Advs. Ilan Blumenfeld and Maya Zisser.

Categories: Corporate | Real Estate

Irit Brodsky Featured in Globes Article on Dramatic Changes to Merger Announcements

New Israel Competition Authority regulations impose a heavier reporting obligation on companies seeking to merge. These new regulations have many possible consequences, for better or worse. Firm partner Irit Brodsky discusses the changes in an in-depth article by Globes on the subject.



Categories: Antitrust and Competition | Regulation

Representing Menora Mivtachim in Acquisition of Nisko Shares

Our firm represented Menora Mivtachim Insurance Ltd., Shomera Insurance Company Ld., and Menora Pension and Provident Ltd. in a transaction to purchase 15% of Nisko Group's shares for NIS 180 million. Advs. Ilan Blumenfeld and Dor Levi-Tam advised on the transaction.

Categories: Corporate | Mergers and Acquisitions

Representing Granite CEO Accused of Fraud

The Israel Securities Authority arrested and released under restrictive conditions the CEO of Granite Securities Portfolio Management. He is suspected of fraudulently receiving loans from the company's clients, presenting false representations regarding the loans, and presenting false representations of providing investment advice in accordance with the law, at a scale of NIS 6.5 million. The client is represented by firm partner Hadar Israeli.

Categories: White Collar

Secondary Violations and Other Issues – Amichai Cohen Op-Ed in Globes

Professor Amichai Cohen enumerates the sweeping effect of the sanctions regime against Russia, and details important points for businesspersons in Israel.

Categories: International Law

Regulatory Activism Is Not the Proper Form of Enforcement

Globes has published an op-ed by Dr. Zvi Gabbay commenting on a statement made by a senior official at the Israel Securities Authority regarding the applicability of securities regulation on various types of alternative investments.

Categories: Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Regulation

Representing Danel Group in Completion of Acquisition of Manor Medical

Advs. Micky Barnea, Ilan Blumenfeld, and Daniel Kleinman from our firm represented Danel Group in the acquisition of Manor Medical, which operates in the surrogacy, egg donation, and medical tourism fields. This transaction constitutes the completion of Danel’s acquisition of Manor Medical based on a NIS 100 million valuation.

Categories: Corporate | Mergers and Acquisitions

International Sanctions on Russia Have Significant Impact on Israeli Private Market

Many transactions in the Israeli market made in dollars also have to go through American banks at some point, and are therefore subject to the American sanctions regime. In an op-ed published by Dun’s 100 Calcalist, Amichai Cohen argues international sanctions against Russia have had a significant impact on the Israeli market, and it appears the time has come for the Israeli government to recognize this.

Hosting a Space Technology Delegation with Business France

Our firm hosted a delegation of French aerospace technology companies. Firm partners Samuel Henry Samuel and Harel Perlmutter discussed various aspects of entering the Israeli market.

Categories: High Tech