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Event Invite: Privacy Regulations – Is Your Business Ready?

The entry into force of the GDPR and the Israeli information security regulations are undoubtedly among the most important legal events of recent years. Their impact on the activity of organizations and businesses concerns not only local companies but also any company wishing to operate in those jurisdictions. We invite you to attend an event where you will receive important instructions and tips on how to implement the obligations that apply to you.

Categories: Privacy Law

Yuval Lazi at the Largest Annual International Cybersecurity Event

Adv. Yuval Lazi will participate in the upcoming Cyber Week event. Yuval will take part in the UK-IL Roundtable on the topic of Online Safety.

Categories: Cyber

Hosting a Delegation of German Medical Companies

Our firm hosted a delegation of German Companies, part of the Tech7 collaboration with SCE in the BIPA program (Bavarian Israeli Partnership Accelerator).

Categories: High Tech | Life Sciences | Start Ups

An Investigation in Ireland Against Google: Privacy Infringement for the Purposes of Targeted Advertising

Adv. Anat Even-Chen in an interview for TheMarker in response to an investigation launched by the Irish Data Protection Commission against Google for violating the GDPR Regulations. According to Anat, the investigation focuses on the service of Internet advertising, and its findings may affect many companies around the world and in Israel, which operate in the field of Adtech.

Categories: Internet | Privacy Law | Regulation

Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Association of Internal Auditors Petition Supreme Court

Our firm is representing the Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Internal Auditors in a petition with the Supreme Court against the Government Companies Authority (GCA). It is requesting that the court revoke the GCA circular stating that an internal auditor of government companies rated 7 and above must be a salaried employee and not outsourced. The petition was filed by Advs. Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, and Adi Shoham of the Litigation Department.

Categories: Litigation

Barnea Represented VVNP in Investment Round in Aleph Farms

Our firm represented the Singapore-based venture capital fund VisVires New Protein (VVNP) in an investment round in Aleph Farms, an Israeli food-tech startup.

Categories: High Tech | Investments | Start Ups

Administrative Petition Filed Against Our Client Following Tender Win

Our firm is representing the Tel Aviv Taxi Organization in an administrative petition filed against after its win in the Tel Aviv cluster of a two-stage competitive process conducted by the Ministry of Transport. The organization is represented by Advs. Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, and Adi Shoham of the Litigation Department.

Categories: Administrative Law | Infrastructure | Litigation | Transport

Negotiation Workshop for Modi'in City Council Members

Dr. Zvi Gabbay conducted a negotiation workshop today for members of the Modi'in City Council, as part of the Open University's directors' course.

Categories: Capital Markets | Corporate

Bar Refaeli to Pay Taxes on Millions Earned Abroad

Following the ruling that Bar Refaeli must pay NIS 16 million in income tax, Adv. Harel Perlmutter, the head of our tax team, was interviewed by a popular radio program on 103FM.

The Central District Court in Lod rejected yesterday the supermodel's appeal, which was filed following an Israel Tax Authority order that she pay taxes in Israel on millions of dollars in income earned abroad.
Refaeli claimed that during the relevant years she spent only six months in Israel, and as a foreign resident, she did not owe any money to the tax authorities.

Harel Perlmutter explained the definition of a country of residence, as the trial revolved around the question of whether Refaeli was domiciled in Israel in 2009 and 2010. He also clarified the difference between the civil case and pending criminal charges.

Categories: Tax

Representing ArcusTeam in Pre-Seed Funding Round

Our firm represented the Israeli startup ArcusTeam, which developed an automated platform to identify both known and unknown security weaknesses in IoT devices, in a pre-seed round of $1.5 million.

Among the startup's investors are TheDock Accelerator and TAU Ventures.

Lecture: Capital Markets Enforcement

Dr. Zvi Gabbay lectured today to Modi'in City Council members on capital markets enforcement and the role of boards of directors in formulating an internal enforcement plan. The lecture was part of the Open University's directors' course.

Categories: Capital Markets | Enforcement

Hosting a Delegation from the Florida-Israel Business Accelerator

Our firm hosted today a delegation of investors and companies visiting Israel through the Florida Israel Business Accelerator (FIBA) for a networking event with industry leaders. Our firm works regularly with FIBA and advises the companies that take part in its program.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

How should you Conduct Yourself When Building Defects are Discovered in the Apartment You Purchased?

Adv.  Alon Wolner from our Real Estate department was interviewed by Ynet and explained how to act legally when building defects are discovered in the apartment you purchased, and to which court it is customary to file claims.

Categories: Real Estate

Event: The Role of Boards of Directors in Maintaining Honesty

Our firm hosted today the Israel's Directors Union for a seminar on the prevention of bribery and corruption. Dr. Zvi Gabbay lectured on the duties of boards of directors in Israel, and Adv. Hadar Israeli presented the American perspective.

Categories: Corporate | Enforcement | Financial Regulation

Lecture on Startup Funding at the IDC Legal Clinic

Adv. Yuval Lazi lectured today to students participating in the IDC Legal Clinic for Start-Ups on the subject of raising funds. We serve as mentors to the clinic's law students, who assist entrepreneurs from target communities. 

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Event Invite: Inside Information in Public Companies

We are holding a seminar on inside information following several recent Israel Securities Authority investigations of senior officials in public companies. The seminar will feature discussions on the use of inside information, how to carry out internal enforcement, and the legal implications of an open investigation of an officer and his company. The event is geared to CEOs, VPs, and CFOs of public companies.

Barnea Representing Knight Therapeutics in Minority Discrimination Lawsuit in Israel

Our firm is representing Knight Therapeutics, a Canadian public company that holds 28% of Israeli pharmaceutical company Medison's shares, in a lawsuit alleging the deprivation of its rights as a minority shareholder in Medison. The company is represented by Advs. Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, and Omer Keydar of our Litigation Department.

Barnea Represented Danel Ltd. in the Acquisition of Levinger Group

Our firm represented Danel Ltd. in a deal to acquire 51% of Levinger Group. This marks a strategic move by Danel to expand into the private health field.

Categories: Corporate | Investments | Mergers and Acquisitions

Hosting a Delegation of French Transport Companies

Our office hosted today a delegation of transport companies from the French government agency Business France. The delegation arrived in Israel for a series of meetings to gain familiarity with the local market.

Internships at Barnea

Micky Barnea answers TheMarker's questionnaire on the nature of internships at our firm. He stressed that the firm is internationally-oriented and therefore involves work in English covering all aspects of commercial law. He also noted the firm's attentiveness to interns, such as working hours that don't run too late.