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Stock Market Skeletons: How to Properly Execute a Merger

Hagit Ross, a partner in our firm’s Capital Markets Department, was interviewed by TheMarker on the phenomenon of companies going public via mergers with stock market skeletons.

Categories: Capital Markets | IPOs and Public Offerings

Capital Markets: The Dangers of Misleading Stock Market Filings

Elad Reshtick’s op-ed in TheMarker examines the dangers of companies disclosing marketing and sales updates in the guise of stock market filings, in order to attract investors.

Categories: Capital Markets | Public Companies

Artificial Intelligence in the Office: How to Do It Right

Advs. Netta Bromberg and Dr. Avishay Klein were interviewed by Yedioth Ahronoth and gave tips to employers regarding the correct use of artificial intelligence in workplaces.

Categories: AI Regulation | Employment

Barnea: Representing 120 Apartment Owners in Pinui-Binui Project against Three Recalcitrant Owners

Lawyers from our firm’s Real Estate Department, are advising apartment owners in a residential complex designated for pinui-binui in Herzliya. They represented a group of about 120 apartment owners in court against three recalcitrant owners who are objecting to the project due to their demand for higher recompense from the contractor. The court made the extraordinary decision to order the recalcitrant owners to pay NIS 7.8 million in compensation (NIS 2.6 million apiece). In addition, each recalcitrant owner was ordered to pay NIS 20,000 for legal expenses.

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Litigation | Urban Renewal

Representing Aviv Group in ILS 1.1 Billion Financing Agreement

Terry Almozlino Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Nadav Shoshan represented Aviv Group in a financing agreement for the purchase of land for the construction of 733 housing units in Herzliya. The scope of the financing agreement is over NIS 1.1 billion.

Categories: Banking & Finance | Financing | Real Estate

Barnea: Representing Phoenix Mortgages (Gold) Ltd. in Framework Agreement for Older Kibbutz Members

Our firm represented Phoenix Mortgages (Gold) Ltd. in signing a framework agreement with the Kama Fund (from the Kibbutz Movement). As part of the agreement, Kama will provide a guarantee to Phoenix for the “gold loans” it grants to kibbutz members over the age of 60 for purchasing housing in kibbutzim. A gold loan can be repaid even after the borrower’s life expectancy and is secured by encumbering the borrower's rights in the residential property attributed to it. Hagit Ben Moshe, the head of our firm’s kibbutz sector practice, and Hani Shraier represented Phoenix.


Categories: Kibbutz Sector

Barnea: Hosting Global Femtech Accelerator

We were happy to host the global femtech accelerator Tech4Eva for an event at our offices. As part of the event, doctors and entrepreneurs discussed menopause and the need for innovation in increasing awareness and educating physicians and patients. Inbar Gorelick represented the firm at the event and participated in one of the featured panels. 

Categories: Corporate

Barnea: Representing Bash Gal Sport in Acquisition of Energym

Misha Gitterman and Omri Oren represented Bash Gal Sport of Movement – The Wellness Company, Israel’s leading wellness group, in the acquisition of Energym, a fitness equipment importer, for NIS 30 million

Categories: Corporate

Dr. Zvi Gabbay Lectures at Association of Publicly Traded Companies’ Annual Economic Conference

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, head of the firm’s Capital Markets Department, was a guest speaker at the Association of Publicly Traded Companies’ annual economic conference. During his lecture, Zvi referred to the ruling in Inbar v. Ofir Naor (the liquidator of IDB Development Corp.) and to the lessons corporate counsel should take from the ruling with regard to providing legal representation to directors, especially those of a public company.

Categories: Capital Markets

New Limitations on the Rehabilitation of an Insolvent Company

In a recent ruling in the Bachar Real Estate case, the court prioritized the rights of tenants over insolvent urban renewal companies and created a significant obstacle to the rehabilitation of such companies.Idan Miller the manager of our firm’s insolvency and corporate recovery practice, presents the challenges of the new ruling in an op-ed for Globes.



Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

Crowdfunding: Dr. Zvi Gabbay Interview in TheMarker

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our firm’s Capital Markets Department, was interviewed by TheMarker about how the regulation of crowdfunding can help investors.

Categories: Capital Markets

Conference: ESG – What’s the Story?

Our firm hosted a morning workshop of experts from the ESG and sustainability field. Dr. Zvi Gabbay lectured on the legal angle of ESG. Michal Weiss, the ESG manager at Doral, discussed how to undertake ESG activities within an organization. Hagit Genish Gil lectured on how to make ESG activity suitable for a large organization. Michal Gat, the CEO of Titan, closed the event with a lecture on how to build a branding story that is right for a company’s activities.

Categories: Corporate Governance and ESG | Environmental Law

Barnea: Representing RGE in Hot’s Appeal to the Supreme Court over FREETV

Our firm represented RGE in the appeal the television cable company Hot filed with the Israeli Supreme Court over the Second Authority for Television and Radio’s decision to approve the establishment of FREETV, a joint initiative between RGE and Keshet. In its appeal, Hot claimed approval of the project was invalid because of alleged harm to competition and because of the project’s potential consequences on centralization in the media. The Supreme Court rejected the appeal and ruled it was not within Hot’s authority to determine a legal flaw in the decision-making process or the approval itself. RGE was represented by Zohar Lande, Eran Winner, Ido Vakshi, and Lina Makhuli.

Categories: Administrative Law | Litigation

Negotiating Tenders – Podcast with Ronit Niederman

Ronit Niederman, a partner in our firm’s Tenders and Projects Department, was invited to be a guest on the Israeli Association of Corporate Counsel’s podcast “ACC On the Road.” An expert in the tenders field, Ronit discussed whether and how to conduct negotiations during tender procedures, the best way to anchor such negotiations in tender documents, and more.

Categories: Tenders and Projects

Avishay Klein and Eyal Nachshon in TheMarker

TheMarker’s Ahad Ha’am magazine published an op-ed by Dr. Avishay Klein on the Israel Securities Authority’s latest guidelines on cyber risks (page 4). The magazine also conducted an interview with Eyal Nachshon on the increase in scope of class action lawsuits against public companies in Israel (page 11). Eyal addressed, among other things, his representation of several companies in a recent series of digital accessibility class action lawsuits.

Categories: Class Actions | Cyber | Litigation | Privacy Law

Doing Business in Israel: Lecture by Yuval Lazi

Today, we hosted a group of foreign entrepreneurs, who arrived in Israel as part of a delegation organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As part of the event, Yuval Lazi lectured on the legal challenges of doing business in Israel and how to get it right.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Bitcoin Rises: Dr. Zvi Gabbay Responds to BlackRock’s Extraordinary Move

BlackRock, the world's biggest asset management company, has announced the launch of a bitcoin exchange-traded fund. This has led to Bitcoin hitting a more than one-year high. Dr. Zvi Gabbay, head of the firm’s Capital Markets Department, explains the rationale behind BlackRock's move in an interview with Globes.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets

Representing a Billionaire in a Dispute with His Former Son-in-Law

A tumultuous seven-year family conflict ended with the issuance of a ruling by Israel’s Supreme Court. The Court ruled in our client’s favor that funds allocated by him for the benefit of his daughter and which were managed by his former son-in-law in various investments were meant to be held in trust and were not given as a gift, as the son-in-law claimed.

The Supreme Court ruled that a trustee will be appointed to manage the trust in accordance with its goals, that the former son-in-law must return the funds to the trust, and that the trustee shall be entitled to take any action necessary to recoup all of the trust’s assets, including the funds the son-in-law allegedly embezzled. In addition, the Supreme Court ordered the son-in-law to bear our client’s legal fees and expenses amounting to NIS 1.25 million.

Zohar Lande, Gal Livshits, Adi Shoham, Zohar Haim Levinger, and Liron Dahan provided representation in this matter.

Categories: Litigation | Private Clients

Co-Hosting with Dueti a Meetup on the HR and Manager Relationship

Our firm co-hosted with Dueti a meetup for HR managers from a number of leading firms in Israel. Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm’s Employment Department, opened the meetup with a lecture on the legal aspects of HR interfaces and employee management. Seven HR managers also lectured as part of the event.

Categories: Employment

Reading Financial Reports: Lecture on Legal Issues

Our firm is hosting the Israeli Association of Corporate Counsel’s course on how to read financial reports for in-house legal counsels. The duration of the course is eight sessions. In today’s session, Elad Reshtick lectured on company valuations, dividend distribution tests, pro-forma financial statements, and more.

Categories: Capital Markets | Ongoing Counsel