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Barnea & Co. represents the controlling shareholder in Lapidoth

As part of the control struggle over the A.D.O Group, our firm was chosen to represent Jacob Luxembourg, the controlling shareholder in Lapidoth. With the assistance of Adv. Micky Barnea, Mr. Luxembourg sent a letter of warning to all the directors of A.D.O Group, claiming the company's joint control agreement, signed between Shikun and Binui, the Apollo Fund, and the Dayan family, is damaging it.

Categories: Corporate

Hosting a Seminar on Marketing and Distribution Agreements

Barnea is hosting together with TITANBrandWise a seminar today on marketing and distribution agreements. Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld of the Commercial Department will discuss the important aspects of such agreements and how to make them work for you.

Categories: Commercial Law | Corporate

Barnea & Co. represents HP in its acquisition of Samsung Electronics Co. Printer Business

HP Inc. completed its acquisition of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.’s printer business in a deal valued at $1.05 billion. HP Inc. was represented by Barnea

Categories: High Tech | Intellectual Property

Class Action against Espresso Club Rejected by the Court

The Central District Court has rejected the application for a class action filed in 2015 against Espresso Club for misleading customers about the method of charging an acquired package of coffee capsules. In addition, the court ordered the plaintiff to pay all legal expenses. Espresso Club was represented by Advs. Zohar Lande and Itay Hatam of our firm's Litigation Department.

Categories: Class Actions | Commercial Litigation | Litigation

Hosting a Delegation of Investors from Mexico

Barnea hosted today a delegation of Mexican investors who came to Israel to find investment opportunities. Adv. Micky Barnea, the firm's Managing Partner, met with the delegation and spoke about the Israeli ecosystem.

Categories: Corporate | Start Ups

Lecture: Employment Termination at the Human Resources Conference of the North

Our head of the firm's Employment Department, has been invited to take part in the Human Resources Conference of the North. She will lecture on the proper procedure for dismissing employees.

Categories: Employment

Israel Securities Authority Defeated in Proceeding against Portfolio Manager

The Administrative Enforcement Committee rejected an administrative claim filed by the Israel Securities Authority against portfolio manager Ran Amitai for using inside information on a deal with the biotechnology company Compugen. Ran Amitai and Cramim Capital Markets were represented by Dr. Zvi Gabbay and Adv. Sapir Malul.

Categories: Capital Markets | Compliance | Financial Regulation | Regulation

District Court Rejects Scheduled Vote of Purchase Group United Sarona

The Tel Aviv District Court accepted the request of over 50 members of the purchase group United Sarona, represented by Barnea's Head of Litigation, Adv. Zohar Lande, to prevent a vote at the meeting scheduled for today. In the motion that was presented, it was argued that in the process of convening the meeting there were material flaws, including a lack of information.

Categories: Commercial Litigation | Litigation | Real Estate

Israeli Banks Told to Scale Back Overseas Activities after U.S. Tax Evasion Scandal

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, partner and head of Barnea's Tax Department, was interviewed by Bloomberg BNA, following the Bank of Israel's call on Israeli banks to redefine their strategies for overseas operations. Harel noted that the Supervisor of Banks at the Bank of Israel wants to keep the bank system strong even if it means cutting part of the banks' profits deriving from activity outside of Israel.

Categories: Tax

Understanding the Terms of Startup Investment

Adv. Yuval Lazi, a partner in our Technology Department, will lecture today at HIP – Heseg Innovators Program on the topic of investment agreements.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Hosting a Delegation of Chinese Executives

We are hosting today a delegation of senior executives from large enterprises across a variety of industries in China. These executives have come to Israel to learn about Israeli innovation and entrepreneurship.

Categories: Corporate

Article on Regulatory Challenges of FinTech Companies Featured in TheMarker

Micky Barnea, the firm's managing partner,published an article on the regulatory challenges facing Fintech companies, in TheMarker's FinTech Magazine. Micky notes that entry barriers to this field are not only the development stage, but also the strength of the regulatory solution. Therefore, acquired knowledge can become a real intellectual property and carry enormous potential.

Categories: FinTech | High Tech | IP and Licensing | Regulation

Purchase Group United Sarona about to Fall Apart

The purchase group United Sarona, which won a tender a year and a half ago to build several towers near Sarona Market in Tel Aviv, is about to fall apart. In the last few days, several members of the group have begun organizing, through Adv. Zohar Lande, Head of the Litigation Department at Barnea, to file a lawsuit against United Sarona's organizers, after they failed to recruit new members or find alternative funding sources to ensure the progress of the project.

Categories: Litigation

Israeli Binary Options CEO Arrested in US on Suspicion of Committing Electronic Fraud

The Israeli CEO of a binary options company has been arrested by federal investigators in the United States on suspicion of committing electronic fraud. Dr. Zvi Gabbay, partner and head of our firm's Capital Markets Department, is representing the company in this matter. In an interview with TheMarker on the subject, he noted this is a relatively early stage in the legal process and that an indictment has not yet been filed.

Categories: Capital Markets | Compliance | Financial Regulation

Article to The Times of Israel on the "Drag along Provision"

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss, Partner at Barnea contributed an article to The Times of Israel on the "drag along provision" included in most investment documents. Ariella outlines five tips for minority shareholders looking to ensure the drag along mechanism works for them when negotiating investments.

Categories: Corporate | Start Ups

Itay Gura to Lecture on Founders Agreements and IP

Adv. Itay Gura will lecture today at StarTAU's acceleration program on founders' agreements and IP.

Categories: Intellectual Property | Start Ups

Dr. Zvi Gabbay speaking at the EY Anti-Fraud Forum

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of Barnea's Capital Markets Department, will participate today in the EY Anti-Fraud Forum. Zvi will discuss how workers can take an active role in self-regulation and compliance.

Categories: Compliance | Financial Regulation | Regulation

Marie Tsion to Address the Various Legal Issues of Job Acceptance

Adv. Marie Tsion, Head of the Employment Department, will lecture today at the Human Resources Forum of the North on legal issues related to job acceptance: evaluation centers, refusals, and the law for the prevention of discrimination.

Categories: Employment

Yuval Lazi to Lecture on Intellectual Property in the Entrepreneurship World

Adv. Yuval Lazi will lecture today at the Heseg Innovators Program (HIP) on issues of intellectual property in the entrepreneurship world.

Categories: High Tech | Intellectual Property | Start Ups

Micky Barnea to Discuss Late-Stage Startups' Challenges at IBM Accelerator

Adv. Micky Barnea, Managing Partner, will lecture today at the IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator on the challenges of late-stage startups.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups