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Insights & News / Samuel Henri Samuel

Barnea: Representing Azrieli Group in Lease Transaction with NTA

Our firm represented Azrieli Group in a multimillion-shekel lease transaction with NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd. As part of the transaction, NTA will expand its office space at Azrieli Business Park Holon from 8,000 to 12,000 square meters. Alon Wolner and Hili Michaeli represented Azrieli in the transaction. 

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

Doing Business in Israel: Effects of War in Israel on International Companies

The effects of war on international contracts and agreements is considerable, yet the law in Israel does not automatically regard a state of war as one. It is therefore crucial to address such issues in the contract itself.

Luxury Apartments in Israel: What Is the Maximum Exemption from Land Appreciation Tax?

The Israel Tax Authority and the Real Estate Tax Appeals Committee disagree on the entitlement to the maximum exemption from land appreciation tax.

Doral Renewable Energy Signs USD 390 Million Financing Agreement for Mammoth North Energy Project

Funding for the project in Indiana, which is expected to produce about 1,600 megawatts of clean energy, is being put forward by a consortium led by Deutsche Bank. Advs. Roy Engel and Samuel Henry Samuel represented Doral in the transaction, alongside McDermott Will & Emery.

Categories: Banking & Finance | Energy | Infrastructure | Project Finance

Hosting a Space Technology Delegation with Business France

Our firm hosted a delegation of French aerospace technology companies. Firm partners Samuel Henry Samuel and Harel Perlmutter discussed various aspects of entering the Israeli market.

Categories: High Tech

Representing Sephira in Sale of Shares to DL Software Group

Barnea represented the French and Israeli group of companies Sephira, a leader in software solutions for healthcare professionals, in the sale of its holdings to the DL Software Group, which was recently acquired by the American PE fund TA Associates.

The transaction was led by Samuel Henry Samuel, and Avihay Asulin. Netta Bromberg provided representation in all labor law matters, and Harel Perlmutter and Nir Ziman advised on all tax issues.

Categories: Corporate | Investments | Mergers and Acquisitions

M&A and Energy – Seven Tips for Israeli Energy Companies Who Wish to Expand Overseas

In 2020, clean energy companies led over 25% of all IPOs in Israel. With such monetary amounts being raised on the TASE, many clean energy entrepreneurs have turned their eyes to foreign markets to develop and expand their industry, especially in Europe and the United States.

Here are seven tips for Israeli companies who wish to plan their entry into new energy markets overseas.

Representing Nofar Energy in Negotiations to Acquire Rights in Blue Sky Group

Firm partner Samuel Henri Samuel represented Nofar Energy in negotiations to acquire 67% of the capital of Blue Sky Group, a group of companies engaged in the development and construction of solar energy projects in the United States. The deal is valued at approximately USD 91 million. 

Categories: Corporate | Energy | Infrastructure | Mergers and Acquisitions

Our Firm Represented CAF in Funding for Jerusalem Light Rail Project

After a year of negotiations, Jerusalem Light Rail concessionaire Shapir Engineering and its Spanish partner CAF announced the closure of a financial agreement for the construction and operation of a network of light rail lines in Jerusalem. The project's initial financing, amounting to nearly NIS 4 billion, will be led by Bank Hapoalim, with the participation of First International Bank of Israel, investment house Altshuler Shaham, and insurance company Migdal. Our firm's Simon Jaffa and Samuel Henry Samuel represented CAF in the transaction. This is CAF's first project in Israel.

Categories: Banking & Finance | Infrastructure

NIS 600 Million Financial Closure at Etgal Power Plant

We represented a group of institutional lenders, including Psagot and Amitim, in a deal to finance Shikun & Binui Group's construction and operation of a power plant in Ashdod, for approx. NIS 600 million.

Amitim and Psagot were represented by Advs. Simon Jaffa, Samuel Henri Samuel, and Rotem Orbach.  


Categories: Banking & Finance | Infrastructure | Infrastructure Project Finance | Project Finance

Contractual Obligations during the Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus outbreak has stricken us all. Alongside the invasion of personal space, the virus’ effects have not spared the business arena, and the ability of both businesses and individuals to meet their contractual obligations is also in question.

Event Invite: Networking with Airbus, Starburst, and a French Aerospace Delegation

We are hosting, together with Business France Israel, a networking cocktail in honor of the visit of a technological business delegation from the top aerospace clusters in France. Also participating in the event are representatives from Airbus DS and Starburst Israel.

Categories: Infrastructure

Energean Firms up Agreement with Israel Natural Gas Lines

Our firm represented Israel Natural Gas Lines (INGL) in the conclusion of a detailed agreement with Greek company Energean for the transfer of the near shore and onshore part of the pipeline that will deliver gas from the Karish and Tanin FPSO into the Israeli national gas transmission grid. As consideration, INGL will pay Energean 369 million NIS.

Categories: Gas | Infrastructure

The French Paradox

In contrast to Britain and Germany, France does not appear as one of the leading investor countries in the Israeli economy. Adv. Samuel Henry Samuel outlines the situation.

Hosting a Delegation of French Transport Companies

Our office hosted today a delegation of transport companies from the French government agency Business France. The delegation arrived in Israel for a series of meetings to gain familiarity with the local market.

Barnea Represented Exclusive Networks in Securewave Acquisition

Our firm represented Exclusive Networks in its acquisition of 70% of the shares of Israeli company Securewave Ltd, one of Israel’s leading independent cybersecurity VADs.

INGL to Pay NIS 370 Million for the Construction of an Offshore Dry Gas Pipeline

Our firm represented INGL during the negotiation and conclusion of an MoU for the construction by Energean of an offshore dry gas pipeline from the Karish and Tanin fields to the Israeli shore. The pipeline is expected to be transferred to INGL in the beginning of 2021.

Categories: Gas | Infrastructure

Ministry of Energy Publishes Second Bidding Round to “Join the Israel Gas Revolution!”

The Israeli Ministry of Energy published on November 26, 2018, a second call for bids, inviting international energy players to submit offers for the exploration of offshore soil.

Hosting a Delegation of French Companies from the Aerospace Industry

Barnea hosted today a French delegation of major aerospace companies. The delegation's participants came to Israel to initiate commercial partnerships and technological cooperation with their Israeli counterparts.

Categories: Corporate

Reform in the Electricity Sector and in the Israel Electric Corporation

On June 2018, the Israeli government adopted decision no. 3859, entitled “The Reform in the Electricity Sector and Structural Change in the Israel Electric Corporation.” This decision constitutes a milestone in the long history of the IEC, which was incorporated in 1923.

The Electricity Authority published the Guidelines for the next PV Plants’ Giant Projects in Israel

Further to the recent hearing held in October 2016 (see our clients update dated 01 December 2016), the Electricity Authority published on 19 December 2016, a decision detailing the main principles of the upcoming competitive process for the construction of Solar Power Plants in Israel, with a capacity of up to 1,000 MW.

Barnea represented Belectric Israel in the negotiations leading to the conclusion of an EPC and O&M Agreements in respect of the Ashalim PV solar power plant

Our Infrastructure Department represented Belectric Israel, which was selected to construct and operate a new 30Mwp PV solar power plant in Ashalim. Belectric Israel is an affiliate of Belectric GmbH from Germany, engaging in the development and promotion of photovoltaic (PV) solar systems world-wide.

Categories: Energy | Infrastructure

Barnea & Co. represents AFI group

We represent the AFI group in a transaction for the construction two office buildings in Romania. The matter value is 50 Million Euro

Categories: Real Estate