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What's Best for a Business: Controlling Shareholder or Executive Management?

Adv. Micky Barnea, our firm's Managing Partner, is featured in an extensive interview with TheMarker on the question of what contributes more to the proper management of a company—a dominant controlling shareholder or executive management—and how this affects the work of the board of directors.

Categories: Corporate

Event Invite: Activist Shareholders – The Israeli Challenge

Join Barnea and ACC for a seminar on shareholder activism. During the seminar we will examine activism in Israeli companies and the courtroom, while comparing the American and Israeli markets.

Categories: Capital Markets | Shareholder Activism

Female Lawyers Leading M&A Transactions for High-Tech Companies

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss is featured in an article on TheMarker about female lawyers who have led merger and acquisition transactions for high-tech companies. Ariella is mentioned as the partner who led the Viola Private Equity investment in SimilarWeb.

Categories: High Tech

Legal 500 Briefing: Foreign Investment in Israel

Advs. Michael Barnea and Mayer Winkler co-authored the chapter on foreign investment in Israel in the Legal 500 guide, providing information on the key factors to consider when looking to invest in Israeli companies by way of M&A.

Categories: Corporate

Obligation to Disclose Post-Sale Delivery and Service Policies

Adv. Asaf Shalev was interviewed by TheMarker regarding the Consumer Protection Authority's new directive, according to which companies and business owners who operate a store or a website will be required to specify in a prominent and visible location which areas they refuse to provide their services to.  


Categories: Consumer Protection | Regulation

Barnea Represented JJDC as the Lead Investor in OrthoSpin Ltd.

Our firm represented the US pharmaceutical and medical devices company Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation (JJDC) in a USD 3 million lead investment round in OrthoSpin Ltd. OrthoSpin is an Israeli-based startup that provides smart robotic external fixation systems.

Categories: High Tech | Investments | Life Sciences | Start Ups

Supreme Court Ruling: RGE Group to Operate Knesset Channel

The Supreme Court issued a ruling today rejecting the petitions of News 2 and Channel 20 against the decision to announce RGE as the winner of the Knesset channel tender. This paves the way for the operation of the Knesset channel by RGE as early as August 1, 2018. RGE was represented by Advs. Zohar Lande, Adi Shoham, Eyal Nachshon, and Omer Keydar of our firm's Litigation Department.

Categories: Commercial Litigation | Litigation

Lecture on Legal Aspects of Offshore Process for Israeli Companies

We lectured today on the legal aspects of the offshore process for Israeli companies at a meetup of the Israeli Society for Human Resource Management.

Categories: Employment

Workshop on Managing Israeli Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations

Barnea hosted today, together with the Ministry of Economy, a workshop on the corporate and labor laws relevant to officers of Israeli subsidiaries of multinational companies.

Categories: Corporate | Employment

Barnea to Provide Legal Mentoring to The Xcelerator

Barnea will advise and mentor the new accelerator program created by the Israel Security Agency and Tel Aviv University’s TAU Ventures.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

The Role of GDPR in the World of Digital Advertising and Marketing

Our Head of the Internet Department lectured today on the new GDPR privacy regulation. He addressed digital, marketing, and information systems VPs who are members of the CDO Club.

Categories: Internet | Privacy Law

Consensual Relationships: What Is the Law's Take on Romantic Relationships between Managers and Employees?

Adv. Lee Alter Kizis of the Employment Department published an article on the Mako website about consensual personal relationships in the workplace.

Categories: Employment

Lecture on the Regulatory Challenges of Fintech Companies

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of our Capital Markets Department, lectured today to startups and VC's on the regulatory challenges faced by fintech companies.

Categories: FinTech | Start Ups

Yuval Lazi Attends AlphaC Demo-Day Event

Adv. Yuval Lazi participated today in the AlphaC Demo-Day Event. AlphaC is the first Israeli IoT and OT security acceleration program of its kind. It was created by TAU Ventures in partnership with the NEC Corporation of America.

Categories: Cyber | High Tech | Start Ups

Lecture on Labor Law Issues of Hi-Tech Companies and Startups

Adv. Marie Tsion, Head of our Employment Department, lectured today, as part of a professional training course for HR professionals, on various labor law issues relating to hi-tech companies and startups.

Categories: Employment | High Tech | Start Ups

Broker Sues for NIS 50 million over British and Melisron Merger

Advs. Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, and Omer Keydar from our Litigation Department are representing businessman Eyal Shamir in a lawsuit against British Israel Investments owned by Melisron Ltd. Shamir alleges he was not paid a brokerage fee for the merger between the two companies.

Categories: Litigation

Legal ABCs for the Early-Stage Entrepreneur

Yuval Lazi will lecture today to MBA students at the Ben-Gurion University Innovation Program on the topics of founders' agreements, IP, and investment agreements.

Categories: Start Ups

Micky Barnea Attends Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Event

Israel’s top legal experts and in-house counsels participated in the ACC Israel Annual Summit: "The Challenging Role of In-House Counsels in Israel.” At the event, Micky Barnea took part in the panel discussion on the relationship between corporate counsel and external legal advisors.

Categories: Corporate

Barnea Represented Investor in Israeli Cybersecurity Company Claroty

Barnea advised an investor in relation to a $60 million investment in cybersecurity company Claroty. The company specializes in cybersecurity for industrial control networks.

Categories: Cyber | High Tech | Investments | Start Ups

Dr. Zvi Gabbay Lectures at IHFA's Sixth Annual Tel Aviv Conference

Dr. Zvi Gabbay lectured today at the Israel Hedge Funds Association's Sixth Annual Tel Aviv Conference. The goal of the event is to connect local industry with overseas peers, bringing together professional experts, manages, and investors. Zvi discussed how fund managers can benefit from their relationship with the exchange.

Categories: Capital Markets