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Facebook Scandal and Data Privacy Regulation

Our Head of Barnea's Internet Department, was interviewed on a financial TV program at the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation following Facebook's privacy scandal (starting at min' 13.55).

Categories: Internet | Privacy Law

Barnea Represented Cellebrite in the Sale of the Mobilogy Division to a US Fund

Our firm represented Cellebrite in the sale of the Mobilogy Division to the American ESW Capital Fund. The Mobilogy division, which operates as a separate brand, offers technological solutions for operators, retailers and aftermarket  that enhance the customer experience in-store & beyond.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Investments | Mergers and Acquisitions

Marie Tsion Offers Tips to Law Students Preparing for Internship Interviews

Adv. Marie Tsion, Head of our firm's Employment Department and the point person for interns, shares a few insights on how to have a successful interview.

Itay Gura to Lecture on Founders Agreements

Adv. Itay Gura will lecture today at the hiCenter Ventures Meetup on why founders' agreements are a solid foundation before taking the next step.

Categories: Start Ups

How Regulators Impact the Fintech Industry

As an expert in the fintech industry, Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of our Capital Markets Department, was interviewed by TheMarker on the various regulatory barriers thwarting fintech's growth in Israel.

Categories: FinTech | High Tech

Micky Barnea Hosting Panel at Annual Foreign Law Firms Conference

Adv. Micky Barnea, our Managing Partner, is hosting today the AI panel at the 4th Annual Foreign Law Firms Conference.

Categories: High Tech

2018: A Turning Point in the Virtual Currencies Market

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of our Capital Markets Department, published an op-ed in Calcalist on the role of the regulator in the virtual currencies market and why 2018 will be a turning point.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets | Financial Regulation

Micky Barnea Participates in Dun's 100 2018 Leaders Law Forum

Micky Barnea participated in the Dun's 100 2018 Leaders in Law Forum. In attendance were the heads of 24 of Israel's leading law firms.

What Is the Milchan Law? Interview with Harel Perlmutter

Harel Perlmutter, Head of our Tax Department, was interviewed by Bloomberg BNA in the wake of new publicity surrounding the Milchan Law. The law in question grants new immigrants and returning residents a 10-year tax exemption on income earned abroad.

Categories: Tax | Tax Incentives and Grants

Zvi Gabbay Interviewed by Ynet News on Bezeq Investigation

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of the Capital Markets Department, was interviewed by Ynet News about the recent developments in the investigation against Bezeq.

Categories: Compliance | Corporate

Oracle conference on the GDPR regulation

We were invited to speak today at the Oracle conference on the new EU privacy regulations (GDPR) and their legal implications for the organization.

Categories: Internet | Privacy Law

Israel Hopes Lower Taxes, Less Regulation Will Spur Trading Boom

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of our Capital Markets Department, and Adv. Harel Perlmutter, Head of our Tax Department, were interviewed by Bloomberg BNA regarding the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange's intention to reduce red tape and ease regulations in order to further continue the growth in the number of new companies being traded on TASE.

Categories: Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Tax

Ariella Dreyfuss mentoring at the IBM's Alpha Zone Pitch Day

As part of our cooperation with IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator,  Ariella Dreyfuss will  mentor today at the IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator's 7th Class Pitch Day, where participating startups have the opportunity to present to industry leaders and receive relevant feedback.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Barnea Advised on the $703 Million Acquisition of Theramex by CVC

Barnea Advised on the $703 Million Acquisition of Theramex by CVC Capital Partners. Theramex is Teva Pharmaceutical Industries' global women’s health portfolio.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Investments | Life Sciences | Mergers and Acquisitions

TheMarker Op-Ed: How to Enjoy Blockchain Innovation

Adv. Daniel Israeli, a member of Barnea's Capital Markets Department, wrote an op-ed piece for TheMarker on the need to create an appropriate regulatory framework for the issuance of digital currencies.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets | Financial Regulation

Zvi Gabbay Featured in Israeli Blockchain Association Legal Survey

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our Capital Markets Department, was featured in a legal survey conducted by the Israeli Blockchain Association on current trends in blockchain in Israel.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Privacy Law

Israeli Tax Proposals for Blockchain, First Steps to Approval

Adv. Harel Perlmutter, the head of our Tax Department, was interviewed by Bloomberg BNA following the release of the Israel Tax Authority's new draft plan for taxing ICOs.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets | Tax | Taxation of Cryptocurrencies

Hosting a Delegation on Behalf of the Japanese Embassy

Our firm is hosting today, on behalf of the Japanese Embassy, a delegation of large-company CEOs who came to Israel as part of an innovation tour.

Categories: Corporate

Seminar on Data Protection and Privacy for the Israeli Directors' Union

Our firm is hosting the Israeli Directors' Union today for a seminar on data protection and privacy. During it we will discuss the new European privacy regulations (GDPR) and directors' exposure in the age of privacy.

Categories: Consumer Protection | Corporate | Privacy Law | Regulation

Barnea & Baker McKenzie Seminar – Under Cyber-Attack: Securing the Breach

We are hosting today together with Baker McKenzie an event focusing on the steps companies can take to prevent and respond to cyber-attacks. Adv. Yuval Lazi will discuss the immediate actions to take after a cyber-attack, as well as the duties and importance of the "Cyber War Room."

Categories: Corporate | Cyber