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Internet Taxation and Jurisdiction Authorities

Our head of our firm's Internet Department, lectured at Tel Aviv University to visiting American law students from the University of Virginia. The law students came to Israel for a course on the legal aspects of the "Startup Nation."

Categories: Internet | Start Ups

Barnea & ACC Seminar – Blockchain, Bitcoin, and ICOs

We are hosting today together with the Association of Corporate Counsel a seminar on blockchain and digital currencies. Dr. Zvi Gabbay will discuss new regulatory challenges, while Micky Barnea will address blockchain and smart contracts. Tal Cohen, Compass Blockchain Solutions's CEO, will give a special introductory lecture on bitcoin and digital currencies.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | High Tech

Yuval Lazi to Lecture on Partnership Agreements

Adv. Yuval Lazi will today discuss partnership agreements with the participants of the StartOno Accelerator, the entrepreneurship program of the Ono Academic College.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Johnson Cornell Tech Institute Boot Camp

We are hosting today together with Enterprise Florida a delegation of students from the Johnson Cornell Tech for a presentation session with venture capitalists. Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss, a partner in our Corporate Department, will participate in the session.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Ilan Blumenfeld Participated in a Panel Discussion on Antitrust Issues for Haaretz's "Echad Ha'am"

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, a partner in Barnea's Antitrust Department, participated in a panel discussion on proposed amendments to the Antitrust Law for Haaretz's "Echad Ha'am" magazine (pages 16–19).

Categories: Antitrust and Competition | Corporate

Hosting a Student Delegation from Handong Global University

Our firm is hosting today a student delegation from Handong Global University. The students are visiting Israel from South Korea.

Lecture on Legal Issues in the Recruiting Process

Our Head of our Employment Department, is participating today in a training program held by the People Management Association. She will lecture on legal issues in the recruiting process.

Categories: Employment

First Steps for Startups: Ariella Dreyfuss to Lecture at the Bengis Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss will lecture today at the Ben-Gurion University Innovation Program on the topics of founders' agreements, IP, and investment agreements.

Categories: High Tech | Intellectual Property | Start Ups

Everything You Need to Know about ICOs

Barnea is hosting an ICOs and digital currencies event today. Dr. Zvi Gabbay will lecture on regulation opportunities and challenges, while Harel Perlmutter will discuss the taxation of cryptographic coins and the Tax Authority's position.

Categories: Blockchain | Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | International Taxation | Tax

French Culinary Brand Fauchon Brought to Court

Roni Lish, the minority shareholder in the franchise company of the French culinary brand Fauchon, is suing his partner in the franchise. Roni claims his partner acted to reduce the value of the company in order to control it and to remove him from the company. Roni Lish is represented by Advs. Zohar Lande and Gilli Cohen-Arazi of our firm's Litigation Department.

Categories: Commercial Litigation | Litigation

Yuval Lazi Lecturing at TAU Student Union Entrepreneurship Program

Yuval Lazi, a partner in our Technology Department, will lecture today to the participants of the Tel Aviv University Student Union's Elite Entrepreneurship Program on shareholder agreements and startups' Cinderella stories.

Categories: High Tech | Start Ups

Fierce Battle over Banning Binary Options Reaches High Court of Justice

Following a bill promoted by the Israel Securities Authority, and passed by the Knesset, outlawing binary options trading by Israeli companies, Yukom Communications LTD and its controlling shareholder, Yossi Herzog, filed a petition to the High Court of Justice. Overseeing the filing of the petition were Barnea attorneys Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, and Moran Bickel.

Categories: Administrative Law | Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Litigation

High Court of Justice Suspends Re-Examination of RGE's Proposal for Knesset Channel Tender

The High Court of Justice ruled in a temporary order that the Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council should explain why it did not announce RGE as the winner of the tender for the operation of the Knesset Channel, following the disqualification of Channel 20's offer. RGE is represented by Advs. Zohar Lande, Ronen Reingold, Adi Shoham, and Itay Hatam of our firm's Litigation Department.

Categories: Administrative Law | Litigation

Micky Barnea Interviewed by Globes on Israel's Capital Market

Adv. Micky Barnea, our firm's managing partner, was interviewed by Globes on the major events that have taken place in Israel's capital market in the past year: the re-emergence of initial public offerings on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, the Bezeq affair, and ICOs.

Categories: Capital Markets | IPOs and Public Offerings

Article: Is Israeli Regulators’ Approach toward ICOs Ill-Advised?

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Head of our Capital Markets Department, has published an article in Financial Magnates. It discusses the Israel Securities Authority's approach to Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and cryptocurrencies and how this approach compares to other jurisdictions.

Categories: Capital Markets | Financial Regulation | Regulation

Telemarketing Restrictions

An interview following the Ministry of Economy and Industry's recently published draft bill placing restrictions on telemarketing.

Categories: Corporate | Regulation

Israel Arrests Two for Tax Evasion Linked to Panama Papers Leak

Following the Panama Papers leak, Israeli authorities have arrested two Israelis on suspicion of evading millions of shekels in tax payments by using companies registered in offshore tax havens. Harel Perlmutter, a partner and head of Barnea's Tax Department, commented to Bloomberg BNA that even though many Israelis were named in the leaked documents, most of them appear to have been using the offshore havens for reasons other than tax evasion.

Categories: International Taxation | Tax

Israel Securities Authority Blows Up the Bitcoin Bubble

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, head of our firm's Capital Markets Department, gave several media interviews (in Heb) following the Israel Securities Authority Chairman's remarks that companies whose values are based on bitcoin will not be included in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange's (TASE) indices until a suitable regulatory framework is established. Zvi noted it is important to distinguish between the inclusion of companies engaged in trading and investing in virtual currencies on TASE's indices and the possibility that such companies will actually be traded on TASE.

Categories: Capital Markets | Compliance | Financial Regulation | IPOs and Public Offerings | Regulation

Lawsuit Filed against Founder of Digital CoinDash

Our firm represented Guy Aharonovski in a lawsuit against his former partner in CoinDash, a platform for managing investments in cryptographic currencies. Aharonovski is claiming his former partner disqualified him from his share in the company, founded Queen-Dash behind his back, and issued tokens called CDT that enabled the use of the platform provided by the company.

Categories: Capital Markets | Litigation

Barnea & Co. Represented EXO Technologies in Acquisition by Lear

Barnea represented Israeli startup EXO Technologies, a developer of GPS technology for autonomous and connected vehicle applications, in its acquisition by the American corporation Lear.

Categories: Corporate | High Tech | Investments | Mergers and Acquisitions | Start Ups