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Barnea Representing Car Safety Company in Industrial Espionage Lawsuit

Zohar Lande, Moran Bickel, Asaf Glazner, and Inbal Amit are representing the car safety company D-Lock in the NIS 20 million lawsuit it filed against SafeCar. D-Lock claims SafeCar engaged in industrial espionage, baseless lawsuits, and threats against D-Lock’s managers and service providers in order to stop its entry to the market.


Categories: Litigation

How a New Knesset Bill May Affect Labor Strikes

The Knesset is looking to limit workers’ ability to go on strike. Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm’s Employment Department, explains the consequences of MK Simcha Rothman's bill on the right to strike.

Categories: Employment

Control Struggles in Israeli Public Companies

Micky Barnea analyzes the issue of control struggles, hostile takeover attempts, and directors’ potential defensive measures. His op-ed was published in TheMarker's Ahad Ha'am magazine.

Categories: Capital Markets | Shareholder Activism

Barnea: Hosting Conference with the Israel Hedge Funds Association

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Roy Engel, and Yana Zilbershtein lectured at a conference our firm hosted on the early years of hedge funds. The conference was held in collaboration with the Israel Hedge Funds Association. PWC and APEX Israel also took part.

Categories: Capital Markets | Hedge Funds

Liabilities and Exposures to Claims by an Insolvency Trustee

A worrying number of contracting companies in the real estate and infrastructure market have recently gone insolvent. A contractor’s financial collapse affects not only his creditors, but also the project’s contractee. In an op-ed, Idan Miller explains if insolvency law prevents damage reduction for the contractee.   

Categories: Insolvency and Debt Arrangements

Barnea: Guiding Djed in Successful Launch

We are honored to have guided Djed in its successful launch. Djed is a new stablecoin designed to maintain a stable value pegged to the US dollar. It provides its users with a decentralized and secure store of value and facilitates seamless transactions on the Cardano blockchain.

Categories: Capital Markets

Dr. Zvi Gabbay Participates in “Conference to Open Year of Compliance – 2023”

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, the head of our firm’s Capital Markets Department, participated in the Israeli compliance community’s annual conference for 2023. He spoke in a panel discussion with Hani Amar, a partner at BDO in the corporate governance and regulation division, and Adv. Ariel Sagi, a compliance officer and board member at Rafael.

Categories: Capital Markets | Compliance | Enforcement

Barnea: Hosting Conference on Labor Law and Competition Law

Firm partners Gal Rozent and Neta Bromberg lectured at a conference we hosted for the CEOs of Israel’s leading cleaning companies, part of Israel’s cleaners’ union.

Categories: Antitrust and Competition | Employment

Webinar: Accessibility of Company’s Reports

As part of a webinar held by the Israeli Association of Publicly Traded Companies, Eyal Nachshon lectured on the accessibility of company reports in the Magna and Maya systems and the exposure of public companies to public lawsuits in connection with the violation of accessibility obligations.

Categories: Class Actions | Litigation

Dudi Cohen Participates in Annual Dun’s 100 Forum of Capital Market and Finance Executives

As part of the annual Dun’s 100 forum, senior executives from the finance industry discussed such burning issues as the non-bank credit sector, the slowdown in high-tech and real estate activity, and more. Dudi Cohen, the head of our firm’s Finance and Public Corporations Department, noted that "even though in the near future we are likely to see a wave of companies realizing there is no place for them in the stock market and that they will be sold as skeletons or deleted from the trading rolls, we still need to remember that there are entities that have an interest in raising capital through the stock market."

Categories: Capital Markets

Is AI-Based Pricing a Detriment to Competitiveness?

The increasing commercial use of AI-based pricing engines will place new challenges before Israel’s competition authorities, both due to concerns about the creation of new means of price coordination between competitors, and, perhaps primarily, because such pricing engines intensify the competition failures that already exist, especially in low-competition markets. Gal Rozent and Ran Karmi elaborate on these challenges in an op-ed for Calcalist.

Categories: AI Regulation | Antitrust and Competition

ACC Podcast on Bond Issuances

As an expert in advising public companies, Elad Reshtick was asked to be a guest on the Association of Corporate Counsel’s podcast, where he spoke about the bond issuance process.

Categories: Capital Markets

Podcast: Administrative Enforcement

Dr Zvi Gabbay, the head of our firm’s Capital Markets Department, guest starred on an episode of the podcast hosted by the Association of Corporate Counsels in Israel. The episode focused on tools for dealing with administrative enforcement.

Categories: Capital Markets | Compliance | Enforcement

A Silent Epidemic – How to Identify, Handle, and Prevent Workplace Bullying

Netta Bromberg, the head of our firm’s Employment Department, was a guest on an episode of the “Bul-Bapony” podcast. Netta discussed the gap between what an individual pays versus an organization for bullying in the workplace and the difficulties in identifying it.

Categories: Employment

Misha Gitterman Lectures at Reichman University

Misha Gitterman, a partner in our firm’s Finance and Public Corporations Department, lectured to graduate students in Reichman University’s Law, Technology and Business Innovation program as part of the course “Startup Capital Raising – From Angel Investment to IPO.”

Categories: Capital Markets | Corporate

Barnea: Participating in Tel Aviv University Medical Innovation Hackathon

Ken Shaked acted as a judge for Tel Aviv University’s medical innovation hackathon and will serve as a legal advisor for the competition’s winners. Inbar Gorelick, Dana Ben Yehuda, and Inbar Katzir served as mentors and provided participants with professional input.

Categories: Corporate

Lecture: Investment Agreements

As part of our firm's collaboration with the Jewish-Arab accelerator jumpTAU at Tel Aviv University, Adv. Yuval Lazi lectured to entrepreneurs in the accelerator. During the lecture, Yuval provided legal tools to entrepreneurs and discussed how to avoid mistakes before signing investment agreements.

Categories: High Tech | Investments | Start Ups

Yuval Lazi Lectures at Azrieli College of Engineering’s AtoBe Accelerator

Yuval Lazi, head of our firm’s international corporate practice, lectured to members of the AtoBe Accelerator on founders’ agreements.

Categories: Corporate

Kibbutz Sector: No More Benefits for Agricultural Land Converted for Commercial Purposes

Hagit Ben Moshe, a partner and the head of the firm’s Kibbutz Sector Department, was interviewed by several media outlets in connection with the decision to put an end to the financial benefits kibbutzim and moshavim receive for converting agricultural land for commercial or industrial purposes.

Categories: Kibbutz Sector

Hosting Entrepreneurs from jumpTAU Accelerator

Our firm hosted entrepreneurs participating in the jumpTAU program of Tel Aviv University’s Entrepreneurship Center. In this framework, Yuval Lazi lectured on founders' agreement and financing startups, while Anat Even-Chen lectured on setting up a website and the privacy issues that entrepreneurs must address at the very beginning.

Categories: High Tech | Privacy Law | Start Ups