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Insights & News / Alon Wolner

Barnea: Representing Azrieli Group in Lease Transaction with NTA

Our firm represented Azrieli Group in a multimillion-shekel lease transaction with NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd. As part of the transaction, NTA will expand its office space at Azrieli Business Park Holon from 8,000 to 12,000 square meters. Alon Wolner and Hili Michaeli represented Azrieli in the transaction. 

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

Walla: Maya Carmi Lubartovski Discusses Important Details of Gifting an Apartment

No takebacks, receiving nothing in return, and a cooling-off period—gifting an apartment to a relative offers significant tax advantages. However, it is crucial to fully understand the consequences of this move for both the giver and the recipient of the gift.

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Taxation | Real Estate Taxation | Tax

Transaction: Solrom Merges with Listed Company 3DM

Hagit Ross, Elad Reshtick, Omri Oren, and Alon Anava represented the public company 3DM in a merger transaction, wherein 3DM will acquire Solrom Electronics Ltd. Solrom is engaged in the development, planning, production, and marketing of products primarily for use in the defense market.

Categories: Capital Markets | Ongoing Counsel

Real Estate Taxation Updates: Maya Carmi's Interview with Bizportal

Maya Carmi Lubartovski, the head of our firm's real estate taxation practice, was interviewed by Bizportal about the Israel Tax Authority's planned updates in the real estate taxation field. Among other things, she discussed the consequences of higher purchase tax rates for second apartments and giving apartments as a gift.

Categories: Real Estate Taxation | Tax

Class Action: Depreciation from Apartment Purchase Value

An Israeli court ruled that the Israel Tax Authority overcharged apartment sellers who rented out their apartments under the tax-exempt track up until their sale, by a total of more than ILS 100 million. This ruling has major consequences, since the State treasury will be forced to refund the tax overcharges to the apartment sellers who are part of the relevant class. The Israel Tax Authority is expected to appeal the ruling.

What Are the Tax Aspects of Prenuptial Agreements in Israel?

Signing a prenuptial agreement has a critical impact not only on the division of property upon divorce, but also on the taxes a couple pays during marriage. It is important for couples to understand the economic advantages inherent in signing a prenuptial agreement and draw one up accordingly.

Tax: Classification of Intercompany Transactions

A tax assessment dispute in Israel has led to a new court ruling dealing with relationships between subsidiaries in a multinational group and classification of the nature of the business activities that the companies provide to each other.

Pinui-Binui: Court Rules in Favor of Recalcitrant Tenants in Pinui-Binui Project

In an exceptional step, an Israeli court dismissed a claim filed by 243 residents against a couple in its 70s who refused to sign an agreement for a pinui-binui project. Part of the court’s rationale had to do with the couple’s age. Alon Wolner, a partner in our Real Estate Department, was interviewed by Globes about the case. Alon noted, “The court sided with the couple opposed to the project, even though they do not meet the law’s definition, and should not technically receive an elderly persons designation. The ruling thus provides an escape route, by allowing the couple to receive this designation, and enabling the project to proceed.”

Categories: Real Estate | Urban Renewal

Barnea: Representing Aviv Group in Investment Transaction

Ilan Blumenfeld, Terry Almozlino Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Daniel Kleinman represented Aviv Group in a ILS 45 million investment by Menora Mivtachim in Aviv Group’s ILS 1.2 billion skyscraper project in Herzliya.

Categories: Mergers and Acquisitions | Real Estate

Barnea: Counsel in Israel’s Most Expensive Real Estate Transaction in October 2023

Alon Wolner and Shoval Mandel, provided legal representation in the purchase of a Tel Aviv penthouse for over ILS 22 million. This was the most expensive real estate transaction in Israel in the month of October.

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

NPOs Receive Exemptions from Real Estate Betterment Levies

The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that NPOs are entitled to receive an exemption from real estate betterment levies, provided they use the proceeds from the sale of such real estate for a public purpose specified in the law.

What to Know about Joining a Purchasing Group – Alon Wolner Interview with Bizportal

For years, the purchasing group trend made transactions to purchase an apartment more viable. Today, as part of the drive to deal with sky-high housing prices, the trend has seen a resurgence. As an expert in the real estate field, Alon Wolner was interviewed by Bizportal on the subject.  Alon noted that “naturally, when there is an attempt to lower prices, creative solutions are sought, but we should remain aware of the risks inherent in purchasing groups.”

Categories: Real Estate

Who Owns the Building Rights?

An important ruling handed down by the Israeli Supreme Court clarifies how specific rights holders acquire additional or future building rights in real estate assets.

Representing Aviv Group in ILS 1.1 Billion Financing Agreement

Terry Almozlino Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Nadav Shoshan represented Aviv Group in a financing agreement for the purchase of land for the construction of 733 housing units in Herzliya. The scope of the financing agreement is over NIS 1.1 billion.

Categories: Banking & Finance | Financing | Real Estate

Closing a Deal – Transaction Closing in the World of Malls and Chain Stores

Terry Almozlino-Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Irit Brodsky are participating in a panel on how to successfully complete mall real estate transactions and commercial tenders. The panel is being held as part of the Israel Mall & Chain Store Conference held in Eilat.

Categories: Antitrust and Competition | Real Estate

Representing Azrieli Group in NIS 1.31 Billion Acquisition of Mall Hayam

Our firm represented Azrieli Group, the largest income-producing real estate company in Israel, in the acquisition of Mall Hayam for NIS 1.31 billion.

Firm partners Terry Almozlino Arnon, Ilan Blumenfeld, and Alon Wolner represented Azrieli in the transaction.

Categories: Corporate | Investments | Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

Representing Azrieli in NIS 860 Million Agreement with SolarEdge

Our firm represented the Azrieli Group in an agreement with SolarEdge to build the solar energy company’s new campus, at an investment of approximately NIS 860 million. The future campus will be built by Azrieli on a 6.5 acre site in Glilot North, east of the coastal highway (Road 2), which was purchased from private owners. Advs. Terry Almozlino Arnon and Alon Wolner represented Azrieli in the transaction.

Categories: Real Estate | Real Estate Transactions

Initiative to Increase Population Density in Residences

The National Committee for Planning and Construction has approved the Planning Administration’s initiative to amend the provisions of TAMA 35. The planned amendment will update the calculation method for the level of population density, from the number of residential units per square kilometer to the number of persons per square kilometer.

Renting or Leasing out an Apartment? Here’s What You Should Know

Many tenants move in August, so now is the perfect opportunity to refresh your memory on the rights and obligations of the parties involved (both the lessor and the lessee).

Renting or Leasing out an Apartment? Here’s What You Should Know

Adv. Alon Wolner published an article on the Walla news site on the rights and obligations of lessors and lessees.

Categories: Real Estate

Israeli Authorities Taking Action to Lower Barriers in Urban Renewal Projects

In light of the complexity of urban renewal projects, and in order to promote further urban renewal, Israeli authorities have begun taking action to create mechanisms and implement changes to convince apartment owners and entrepreneurs that urban renewal projects are feasible and worthwhile.

How should you Conduct Yourself When Building Defects are Discovered in the Apartment You Purchased?

Adv.  Alon Wolner from our Real Estate department was interviewed by Ynet and explained how to act legally when building defects are discovered in the apartment you purchased, and to which court it is customary to file claims.

Categories: Real Estate

Saving Israel’s National Outline Plan 38 for Urban Renewal

The housing shortage in Israel and the issue of urban renewal are constantly on the public agenda. This past year, there have been many discussions about the actions that must be taken to initiate and carry out urban renewal projects.

Article: Saving Israel’s National Outline Plan 38 for Urban Renewal

Adv. Alon Wolner, who coordinates the urban renewal sector at our firm, has an article on Calcalist Dun's 100 website about the changing trend in urban renewal from NOP 38 projects to Pinui-Binui.

Categories: Real Estate | Urban Renewal

Buying an Apartment in an NOP 38/1 Urban Renewal Project? These New Regulations Are for You

The Ministry of Construction and Housing recently published a memorandum of law that prescribes a payment schedule for the first time that is specifically defined for urban renewal projects involving the addition of new apartments to existing buildings.

May It Be Renewed – Amendment to the Evacuation and Construction Law

The residential real estate market in Israel has been subject to drastic changes for some months. After years of a steady sharp uptrend in apartment prices, the number of real estate transactions has diminished, and apartment prices in most regions in Israel have either stabilized or dipped slightly.

National Outline Plan (NOP) 38 - Recommendations to Tenants

Urban renewal construction projects, known in Israel either as an NOP 38/1 project (retrofit and renovate), or as an NOP 38/2 project (demolish and reconstruct) began in Israel as a result of the realization that residential buildings whose building permits predate 1.1.1980 must undergo earthquake retrofitting.