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Insights & News /  Antitrust and Competition

March 15, 2017

Whether and How to Enforce on a Monopoly the Prohibition of Charging Excessive and Unfair Prices

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, Partner in the Antitrust Department at Barnea, wrote an opinion article in The Marker, dealing with the question of whether and how to enforce on a monopoly the prohibition of charging excessive and unfair prices.

February 12, 2017

Shufersal Sets its Sights on Drug Store Chain New-Pharm

Adv. Ilan Blumenfeld, Partner in the Antitrust department at Barnea was interviewed by The Marker following Shufersal, Israel's largest supermarket chain’s announcement that  it is in the early stages of examining the possibility of acquiring local drugstore chain, New-Pharm Drugstores. Ilan commented that in the event that Shufersal acquires New Pharm, the Antitrust Authority will have to approve the deal by examining the market power of the merged entity.

February 5, 2017

Doing Business in Israel – Practical Law

Doing Business in Israel? A QA guide to doing business in Israel written by Barnea was published in the Practical Law website. The guide gives an overview of the legal system, foreign investment, regulation, and other issues pertaining to Israel.

February 9, 2016

TheMarker magazine interviewed Zohar Lande for his comments on Israel's next antitrust chief

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has appointed Adv. Michal Halperin to be Israel's next antitrust chief. TheMarker magazine interviewed leading legal experts on antitrust Law, and asked them for their comments on this appointment. Zohar Lande commented: "One of the most significant challenges Adv. Halperin will face is maintaining the delicate balance between the continued encouragement of foreign companies that seek to enter and invest in the Israeli economy and the Israeli consumer who is grappling with the day-to-day cost of living".

January 5, 2014

Opinion - Privatization pursuant to Encouragement of Competition and the Reduction of Concentration law

The article below addresses the privatization chapter of the newly enacted law for the encouragement of competition and reduction of concentration in the Israeli market. The chapter inter alia restricts the State from granting rights to and engaging with entities, which already have received rights from the state and thus deemed to be "concentrational". Adv. Lande argues that the chapter is far reaching, leads to uncertainty in the market and may prevent the effective allocation of rights in the future, all of which will have a detrimental effect on the market. To read more, please click here

February 10, 2014

Israel: Break up shake-up

Legislation intended to loosen the stranglehold of a few conglomerates on the economy is set to trigger a surge in sell-offs and overseas interest.

October 5, 2014

2014 Legal Highlights

This year’s summary of Maariv puts the spotlight on key legal developments in Israel, covering the following topics: Capital Markets (by Micky Barnea); Anti-Trust (by Zohar Lande); Constitutional Law; Criminal Law nfrastructure ; Tax and Money laudering

October 30, 2014

Antitrust Chief, Prof. David Gilo Encourages Consumer Boycotts

In a meeting held by the Knesset Finance Committee on the high cost of living, Antitrust Commissioner Prof. David Gilo called on consumers to organize boycotts to pressure retailers and manufacturers to reduce their prices. He said: “An occasional boycott is not enough. Consumers need to undertake a personal boycott every day, to vote with their feet and compare competing prices.” Zohar Lande senior partner at Barnea Co, disagrees. Zohar was interviewed by Maariv newspaper where he was quoted for saying "it is both unfair and unwise to ask the consumers to fix the high cost of living".

December 29, 2013

Michael Barnea was participate in a panel of Competition experts - by Calcalist

After the Law for the Encouragement of Competition and the Reduction of Concentration was enacted, Calcalist convened a panel of experts, including Michael Barnea, in order to discuss the powers of the Antitrust Commissioner.