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May 23, 2024

Recovery in the M&A Sector: Interview with Micky Barnea in TheMarker

Israel’s MA market is beginning to show signs of recovery. Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner, was interviewed by TheMarker on the subject. Micky noted that "so far, more deals are being made in private companies, but if there isn't a significant security escalation, this trend will extend to public companies as well."

April 15, 2024

Majority Shareholders, CEOs, and Board Chairmen – Interview with Micky Barnea

With the Amir brothers’ entry to Shufersal, they appointed close associates to management positions as well as board directors on their behalf. This move has sparked debate about control and management in public companies and the blending of roles between CEO, board chairman, and majority shareholder. As an expert on corporate governance and shareholder struggles, Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner, was interviewed by TheMarker on the matter.

March 31, 2024

Representing One Peak in USD 100 Million Financing Round

Simon Jaffa, Yuval Lazi, Mayer Winkler, Tal Freilich, Nofar Rose David, and Dana Ben Yehuda from our firm's Corporate Department represented UK-based investment management firm One Peak Partners in its investment in Coro, an Israeli cybersecurity startup.

February 15, 2024

Barnea: Hosting Femtech Event

Ariella Dreyfuss and Inbar Gorelick participated in a femtech event hosted by our firm. As part of the event, Ariella lectured on founders’ agreements and Inbar on intellectual property.

January 21, 2024

The Israeli food producer Osem is continuing to transfer intellectual property rights to Nestle

Yuval Lazi and Harel Perlmutter were interviewed by Globes about the transfer of Osem’s intellectual property rights to Nestlé. They explained how this transfer is likely to affect the State of Israel.

December 25, 2023

Barnea: Representing Aviv Group in Investment Transaction

Ilan Blumenfeld, Terry Almozlino Arnon, Alon Wolner, and Daniel Kleinman represented Aviv Group in a ILS 45 million investment by Menora Mivtachim in Aviv Group’s ILS 1.2 billion skyscraper project in Herzliya.

August 10, 2023

Incorporation of a Company in a Foreign Country: What Should Be Taken into Account?

In an interview with Calcalist, Ken Shaked advises on the primary considerations for when a company decides where to incorporate, applicable law for companies that choose to incorporate abroad, related costs, and the tax considerations companies should seriously mull over.

August 13, 2023

Barnea: Representing Chargeflow in USD 14 Million Seed Round

Yuval Lazi and Nofar Rose David represented Chargeflow, a startup using AI to fight chargeback fraud, in an investment led by the VC firm OpenView Venture Partners.

August 9, 2023

Law.com: Israel's Legal Community Braces for Impact of Government's Judicial Overhaul

In light of the Israeli government’s proposed reform to the judicial system, Law.com, an industry-leading media platform, spoke with key figures in the Israeli business and legal community to understand the potential effects of these changes on the practice of law. Micky Barnea, our firm’s managing partner, was invited to share his insights. To read the full article and Micky’s interview, please click here.

July 10, 2023

Barnea: Representing Bash Gal Sport in Acquisition of Energym

Misha Gitterman and Omri Oren represented Bash Gal Sport of Movement – The Wellness Company, Israel’s leading wellness group, in the acquisition of Energym, a fitness equipment importer, for NIS 30 million

June 12, 2023

Roy Engel Lectures on Hedge Funds, VCs, and PEs

As an expert in the funds area, Roy was invited to lecture to a course led by the Israel Financial Institute (IFI) for 50 managers of Altshuler Shaham. Roy discussed types of alternative investments and both the legal and the administrative/supervisory aspects of the structure of funds.

June 20, 2023

Azrieli Group to Sell Stake in Compass Data Centers for ILS 3.2 Billion

Adv. Ariella Dreyfuss has been representing Azrieli in its ongoing investments in the data centers field. Following its 2019 acquisition of 20% of Compass for USD 135 million, Azrieli announced yesterday an agreement for the sale of Compass to Brookfield Infrastructure. Compass Data Centers is one of the largest developers of data centers in the world. 

June 26, 2023

Hosting a Delegation of Entrepreneurs from Mexico

We hosted a delegation of entrepreneurs from Mexico, who arrived in Israel to learn about investment opportunities in the Israeli high-tech market. As part of the delegation’s visit, Ariella Dreyfuss lectured on the legal aspects of doing business in Israel.

May 21, 2023

Barnea: Advising Migdal on a USD 100 Million Investment

Roy Engel, Yana Zilbershtein, and Yakov Vilenski advised Migdal on a USD 100 million investment in the real estate investment fund Exeter Industrial Value Fund EQT. More than 90% of the investors in the fund are American and international institutional entities, and Migdal is the only Israeli investor.

May 17, 2023

Representing CryptoHub in USD 6 Million Fundraising Round

Itay Gura and Inbar Katzir advised Cryptohub, which offers crypto trading tools and innovations to improve the average crypto trader's experience, throughout the course of a USD 6 million investment round. The round was led by Tectona, the only public company that focuses its activities on the adoption of blockchain technologies.

May 16, 2023

Earn-Outs – Ariella Dreyfuss Op-Ed for CTECH

CTECH by Calcalist has published an op-ed by Ariella Dreyfuss, a partner in our International Corporate Department. Ariella explains that earn-outs are becoming an established tool for compromising on a company’s valuation.

March 28, 2023

Barnea: Supporting ReCombinate Program

We are happy to be a partner in the ReCombinant program, an AB InBev-TAU Ventures collaboration dedicated to fostering pilot activity and joint RD. The program is supported by the Israel Innovation Authority.

March 28, 2023

Barnea: Representing Daily.dev in USD 11 Million Seed Funding Round

Itay Gura and Inbar Katzir represented the Israeli startup Daily.dev in a USD 11 million seed funding round. The company aims to build the world’s largest professional network for the global developer community.

February 14, 2023

Yuval Lazi Leads Table at OurCrowd Leaders Forum

Yuval Lazi was chosen to lead a taskforce table at the annual OurCrowd Global Investment Summit, dealing with “MA Challenges in Light of Political and Economic Turmoil.”

February 5, 2023

Barnea: Hosting Conference with the Israel Hedge Funds Association

Dr. Zvi Gabbay, Roy Engel, and Yana Zilbershtein lectured at a conference our firm hosted on the early years of hedge funds. The conference was held in collaboration with the Israel Hedge Funds Association. PWC and APEX Israel also took part.