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Insights & News /  Tax

June 30, 2024

Walla: Maya Carmi Lubartovski Discusses Important Details of Gifting an Apartment

No takebacks, receiving nothing in return, and a cooling-off period—gifting an apartment to a relative offers significant tax advantages. However, it is crucial to fully understand the consequences of this move for both the giver and the recipient of the gift.

June 16, 2024

Real Estate Taxation Updates: Maya Carmi's Interview with Bizportal

Maya Carmi Lubartovski, the head of our firm's real estate taxation practice, was interviewed by Bizportal about the Israel Tax Authority's planned updates in the real estate taxation field. Among other things, she discussed the consequences of higher purchase tax rates for second apartments and giving apartments as a gift.

March 26, 2024

International Inheritance Tax Planning: Harel Perlmutter Interview on “Disputes Program”

Harel Perlmutter, head of our firm’s Tax Department, was interviewed by Yigal Borochovsky and Rachel Shahar for 102FM’s “Disputes Program.” He explained the procedures and necessary reporting when receiving an inheritance from outside of Israel.

January 21, 2024

The Israeli food producer Osem is continuing to transfer intellectual property rights to Nestle

Yuval Lazi and Harel Perlmutter were interviewed by Globes about the transfer of Osem’s intellectual property rights to Nestlé. They explained how this transfer is likely to affect the State of Israel.

December 13, 2023

How to Gain a Tax Credit before the Year’s End

Hanna Daher, a partner in our firm’s Tax Department, was interviewed by Globes, along with a number of other tax experts, about end-of-the-year tax tips . Hanna noted the tax credits that individuals or business owners can obtain if they donated over NIS 200 this year to a public institution.

December 13, 2022

Tax Guide for New Immigrants – Harel Perlmutter Article for MIGNEWS

Harel Perlmutter, the head of our firm’s Tax Department, details the tax benefits for new immigrants to the Russian language news website MIGNEWS.

December 12, 2022

Harel Perlmutter Serves as Speaker at Tax and Capital Market Conference 2022

Harel Perlmutter, head of our firm’s Tax Department, served as a speaker at the Israeli Association of Public Companies’ annual Tax and Capital Market Conference, where he discussed tax challenges for 2023.

November 13, 2022

Tips for the Self-Employed as End of Tax Year Approaches

Nir Ziman from our Tax Department was interviewed by several media outlets and shared how Israeli residents can obtain additional income tax credits. He also addressed what taxpayers should pay attention to when filing their income tax reports, and provided some helpful tips as the end of the tax year approaches.

November 8, 2022

Important Tax Tips from Harel Perlmutter

It’s important to prepare yourself for the end of the tax year and be aware of all the benefits you may be eligible for. An expert in the tax field, Harel Perlmutter suggests to Mako readers that they check their eligibility for Covid-19 grants and stresses that income from renting a residential apartment is taxable.

November 7, 2022

Podcast: Adv. Harel Perlmutter Talks Real Estate Taxation on "Kesef Bakir"

Taxation can make or break real estate deals. Harel Perlmutter, head of our firm's Tax Department, talks with Guy Lieberman about tax hitches and opportunities in an interview also published on Globes.  

October 26, 2022

No Freebies? Harel Perlmutter Interview with "Tzeva Hakesef"

Many companies and businesses work with influencers to advertise their products on social media. This type of cooperation has tax implications. Harel Perlmutter, the head of our firm's Tax Department, was interviewed for the podcast "Tzeva Hakesef" (with Yair Weinreb) about the issue.

September 21, 2022

Harel Perlmutter Featured on “Tzeva Hakesef” Radio Program

Harel Perlmutter, the head of our firm’s Tax Department, was interviewed on the radio program “Tzeva Hakesef” about the latest storm surrounding apartments registered in the name of social media personality Hadar Mokhtar. Harel explained the issue and discussed the tax implications of registering an apartment in your child's name.

September 20, 2022

Real Estate and Taxes: Harel Perlmutter Op-Ed in Mako

Harel Perlmutter, the head of our firm’s Tax Department, discusses the "tax pitfalls" when purchasing an apartment for investment.

September 18, 2022

Taxes: Harel Perlmutter Lectures at Tel Aviv University

Harel Perlmutter, the head of our Tax Department, lectured this week to TAU Ventures, Tel Aviv University's venture capital fund for investments in startups. Harel addressed the advantages and disadvantages of preferred stock companies, employee compensation options, and other tax issues relevant to startups.

March 13, 2022

Oligarchs, Sanctions, and Money Transfers - Harel Perlmutter in the Sunday Times

Is Israel a tax haven for Russian billionaires? Our firm's Harel Perlmutter and other experts shed light on what is happening.

February 9, 2022

Representing Shareholders in Startup's Acquisition by Vontier

We represented Inven Capital, Volvo Group Venture Capital, and Ombu Group in the sale of their shares in Driivz to Vontier, a global mobility company. Simon Jaffa, Ariella Dreyfuss, Harel Perlmutter, and Fadi Atallah from our office advised on the transaction.

December 28, 2021

Tax Refunds for Salaried Employees

Tax refunds are not just a matter for the self-employed. In an interview with Israel Hayom to mark the end of the tax year, Harel Perlmutter, the head of our firm’s Tax Department, provides valuable advice on the subject.

October 5, 2021

“Pandora Papers” Scandal: N12 Interview with Harel Perlmutter

The “Pandora Papers” scandal, revealed yesterday, shines a spotlight on the world of tax havens. Firm partner and Tax Department head Harel Perlmutter addresses the issue in an interview with N12.  

September 14, 2021

District Court Ruling: Azrieli Foundation Exempt from Paying Taxes on Dividends

An Israeli district court rejected the Israel Tax Authority’s attempt to force the Azrieli Foundation to pay taxes in the amount of tens of millions of shekels for dividends it received and continues to receive due to its holding in Azrieli Group's shares. The court accepted the tax appeal, which was filed by Barnea Jaffa Lande, and ruled that the Azrieli Foundation,  a non-profit organization that works for the public good in Israel, is not the controlling owner of Azrieli Group and is therefore entitled to a tax exemption. The court ruled, among other things, that the ITA’s position could have a chilling effect in relation to business entities’ support of philanthropic associations. Our firm's  Zohar Lande, Eyal Nachshon, Harel Perlmutter, Nir Ziman, and Omer Keydar represented the Azrieli Foundation throughout the proceedings, which lasted about five years.

August 4, 2021

Tax Facts on Renting Out Apartments in Israel and Abroad – Podcast with Firm Partner Harel Perlmutter on Calcalist Website

Are you renting out an apartment? It is important to be aware of the existing rental income tax tracks, if there is a difference between the taxation of short-term rental apartments and long-term rental apartments, and the rules on renting out apartments abroad. Adv. Harel Perlmutter, partner and head of our firm's Tax Department, addresses all these questions in a comprehensive podcast on the taxation of renting out apartments in Israel and abroad.